Thursday, January 12, 2006

She was rude, obnoxious, and had manners that suggested she was raised by wolves.

So I said we couldn't insure her car.

She said she wanted to speak to a manager.

I should be able to deny business to arseholes, shouldn't I?

God, I am so shit at customer service.


Blogger Bear said...


Don't feel bad, it is counter to everything that is remotely human and self-respecting. Every time I have to kiss some fuckhead's asshole, a small piece of my soul goes tits-up and dies.

I am not known for my customer service skills, but, if one wishes to keep one's job... well... you have to play the game. If one wishes to keep one's sanity and self-respect, on the other hand, one comes up with methods of vengeance...

Bear: "Unspecified Company Name (Because this is the internet and I would rather not be sacked), this is Bear speaking, How may I help you?"

Obnoxious piece of shit caller: "Hey, asshole... you got (insert any bullshit item from any inventory... anywhere)?"

Bear: (Did this fuck just call me an asshole?)
"Excuse me, sir??"

OPOSC: "I asked if you got (same bullshit item) in stock right now........ asshole!"

Bear: (Right... he did call me an asshole....) "Sir, were you looking for the ah-- ji-- k-ll-k-....shhhhhhhhhh...t. or"

OPOSC: "Wha? I can't understand anything you said, fucking cell phone!"

"My apologies, sir... I just asked you whether.. Bbbddsszzzt...fffffshhhhhkk.. (silence) ...zzzshhhhh.. because you certainly wouldn't want to..."


Bear thought: (Have a nice fucking day. Thank you for calling.... ASSHOLE!)

It isn't really in the proper spirit of things... and I don't do stuff like that all the time... but every once in a while I will put somebody on 'punitive hold' or otherwise send them packing.... I think there are just days when it is more difficult to cope with difficult people than on other days...

.. Then there are days when we would like to light them on fire, crush their heads in with a mallet, and then drown them like rats... but, you can't always get your way, now, can you??

Oh... I forgot the bit about the corkscrews in the eyes.... silly me!



9:49 am  
Blogger GBE said...

I would love to be able to do things like that, but my supervisor sits right next to me, and they have sneaky ways of tracking my movements. Plus, the thing with those sort of people is that they always seem to want to know your name, and if I got too many complaints then my boss would want a Serious Talk, which would involve Discussing My Future with the company and the impact that My Behaviour was having...

I'll just keep putting up with it until they fire me, or I move to another department, I guess.

5:16 pm  

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