Sunday, January 15, 2006

  • It's embarrassing when you spend a couple of minutes pulling faces at a baby, only to look up and discover the kid's father pissing himself laughing at you.
  • Smallville really is a mammoth pile of shit. Who the hell is Lana? What happened to Lois? Am I missing something here?
  • God damn, it's hot. Skin-permanently-fused-with-leather-couch sort of hot.
  • When I was in Woolworths earlier today, purchasing items necessary for my survival (i.e. food), an announcement came over the PA thingie saying, "Could Crystal Ball please come to the courtesy desk. That's Crystal Ball for the courtesy desk." Crystal Ball! Ha! I am so very easily amused.
  • The other night I had a dream that I went to work in the middle of the night and it was full of weird vampire-types. I said, "Who are you, and why have you pushed my desk up against the wall?" and a vampire-type goth man said, "We work the night shift." There may have been muahahaha-ing after that. What is the meaning of this?
  • You know what's funny? Watching your co-workers drink cocktails and stagger around the dancefloor, before showering everyone with hugs and kisses and declaring their love for one another. This will be happening on Friday.

Today is random picture day.

Little bastard almost took my finger off.


Blogger Marcheline said...

So HERE you are!!! I was bemoaning the loss of "office wench" and the great posts of yore.... but NOW YOU'RE BACK! I just updated my links to take me to this new site, which I love, by the way.

Hope you get yourself settled at this new site, and stop moving the fuck around so much!

Heh! Just kidding. Sort of.

- M

4:33 am  
Blogger KH said...

"There's mysterious brown stuff on my hands.
And I don't know where it came from. And it doesn't bloody wash off. What the hell."

Phew, I was worried this was the early symptoms of some rapid onset tropical ailment! Especially as your blog seemed to just stop.

Glad you are back.

I shall return to lurking..

6:00 am  
Blogger GBE said...

The mysterious brown stuff was the onset of Crusty Brown Hands syndrome, which led to the frantic chopping off of fingernails, in an effort to make me look like I hadn't been digging through slurry. Still don't know where it came from.

I figure I'll be at this one for a while, M, since I've been much cleverer and picked a title that isn't dependent on my occupation. Thank you to both of you!

6:05 pm  
Blogger Bear said...


After hearing my wife talk about your blog, I figured I would pop on over and have a gander. I am now laughing my ass off, which is well-needed after a day at work. Great blog, thanx so much for the laughter!

You will be wondering who my wife is by now, so I suppose I had best get on with it and tell you that Marcheline, of Mental Meatloaf fame is she.

If you weren't wondering who she was, then the previous paragraph was redundant, and I ask that you disregard it at once.




9:28 am  

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