Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Ready? Ok.

So, I found out a while ago that John has a blog. Because he can't help but COPY ME. He told me when we were drunk and then I said something along the lines of 'gosh, beer ish yummo' and fell asleep. I promptly forgot about it from there.

He brought it up a while later and my memory returned to me, slightly groggy and minus a few braincells.

Thing is, I gather that this blog is all about me. ME. Moi. GBE. Gee-Bee-ee. The odd girl with the crap hair and the boring job.

Which is weird, but hey, who am I to talk?

Right, so, turns out he has loads of readers, who comment about me, and give him their thoughts on me, my life, our relationship, etc. How I call him 'gitface' when he annoys me and the way I'm always yelling 'SHUT YOUR PIEHOLE, YOU KNOB!' at Reg. How I belch loudly after meals/beer and how I always pick Old English cheese at Subway, and then nudge him, giggling and saying 'John, look, it's you in cheese form'.

I can only imagine.

The thing is, when we go away tomorrow (oh, by the way, going away tomorrow, won't be back for a few days, etc.), there very well may be a meeting arranged. With one of his readers.

One of his readers!


It will involve meeting a person (for I am invited, you see) who knows me. Knows me. You know. Sort of. Knows stuff about me. Which is, well, weird. Not weird, but weird. Here's some more randomly italicised words.

And I don't know what to do. Will I live up to expectation? Will I belch enough, make enough random comments, and frequently abuse objects/people with juvenile insults, like 'poobreath', 'knobjockey' and 'crapface'?

It is going to be easier than meeting somebody who reads this, of course, because then you would discover that I'm actually very quiet, and keep my sense of humour to myself, mainly, and can't physically bring myself to burp in front of people I've known for less than five years.

Golly gosh. What do I do?


Blogger audrey said...

What's his blog called? Because I'd quite like to go and read how he summarises the oddest, most appealing lady in Brisbane.

8:06 pm  
Blogger lucy said...

Link It!!!

I'm with you on this post, it must be terribly weird. Have you read it? And will you read it regularly?

8:40 pm  
Blogger Enny said...

Yeah - you give us the link is what you do!

And I do find your situation interesting - I'm about to do the same to my boyf...!

8:57 pm  
Blogger Mr. Guinness said...

Love the concept! Let's read his and then use a 1 to 10 scale to see if his take on you is like our own. After all,we met you in a blog, we know you after a few reads, and there you are, and we keep coming back because there is a connection with your fresh insight, your realness, and your sense of humor is priceless!
Have a great trip! (Worst case scenario just go full upscale start talking about golf, Dior designs, and Greek poetry, you'll be home in no time no worse for the wear!):)

9:23 pm  
Blogger Susanne said...

Hmmm, I reckon you should be yourself, but really play it up, so that you can live up to the expectations of how your boy has described your character.

1:37 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nobody really cares. Just be introverted and people will think you have some amazing hidden personality. PS I copied what you said here on my site as a fun kind of 'no personality' disclaimer.

Art meets life. Life comes away looking a bit crap.

3:48 pm  
Blogger Shelley said...

What, still no link to John's blog?

I hate meeting internet people. It makes me edgy and, of course, I've forgotten what I've written and what they might know about me. Also, explaining the origin of my blogger id is one of the most cringe-worthy moments I've ever had - even whilst drunk. I wish I'd picked soemthing cool :(

1:43 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh do tell, Nailpolishblues!

4:35 pm  
Blogger Shelley said...

I vill tell you nuffink, Mark [and I thought I went under a lame name :p]!

11:39 pm  
Blogger GBE said...

Audrey, lovely lass, I actually don't have the link to his blog. And I swear I'm not fibbing. The temptation to track him down and scour his archives has not yet hit me. It probably will in a day or two.

Lucy, nope, haven't read it. It's apparently good though, which annoys me more than anything and makes me yell, "No - I'M THE BLOGGER here, punk."

Enny, does that mean you're about to introduce your boyfriend to a reader? The whole thing wasn't as strange as I thought it would be. I'm sure he'll be ok.

Thanks Mr. Guinness, it was a grand trip, and I didn't have to resort to any mind-numbing talk about poetry and golf. Hurrah!

Susanne, that's good advice, except I'm so terribly introverted I could never pull it off. I would tell myself, 'right, I'll belch lots, and crack really crap jokes, and it'll be fine' and then I'd go there and freeze up, as per usual. Stupid crap personality.

Mark, I hope you're right with your hidden personality theory, because I acted the introvert down to a tee. Yeah, it was tough, but I figured I better do it if I wanted them to be really impressed. The things I do for the people.

Nails, I have actually never ever met another blog person. Reading about grogblogging has almost convinced me that they do actually exist, and are not just figments of my imagination. And hey, you could've done much worse with the name, methinks.

Mark, yeah!

Mackenzie, you bear a striking resemblance to a young Jennifer 'forget about the baby' Connelly. Next time you see a poofy-haired chap in white tights, STEER CLEAR.

6:23 pm  

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