Sunday, October 22, 2006

I was wandering through the Queen Street Mall on my way home, when I noticed a group of very serious people who were wearing black clothes and sunglasses. I was thinking to myself how peculiar they looked; sort of like stand-in Men in Black cast members rather than the usual faux-goths in the city, and I wasn't really looking where I was going or paying much attention to anything else and ended up barging straight through the middle of them. In doing so, I almost bowled over a pint-sized Veronica.

Yes, my life is simply RIDDLED with (near) celebrity encounters. I thought 'gosh, she looks familiar' and then somebody screamed "THE VERONICAS ARE SHIT" really loudly and CLICK went my brain.

Boytown is unfortunately quite rubbish. It's not eye-removingly bad or anything, but I'd probably sooner lounge on the couch and practise belching the alphabet than give it a repeat viewing. This most likely stems from my dislike of Glenn Robbins and Mick Molloy, who have the most lines in the movie, and my love of Bob Franklin, who has the least lines in the movie (all of which are not actually funny). Why did you not tap into the Bob Franklin goldmine, movie makers?

I propose that we write our own movie and make MILLIONS. What say you?


Blogger Adam said...

Ahhh, see I told everyone how crap Boytown was going to be and I think we were all pleasantly surprised. But, I've always been a fan of the Tony Martin, Mick Molloy machine as well as Mr Franklin and Mr Robbins.

I simply demand that our movie has a section in it with swords and motorbikes.

11:24 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, swords and motorbikes. I think it should be a sequel to The Princess Bride.

btw, anyone who would yell at one of the Veronicas is a complete dick, regardless of how bad their music is. I mean, you wouldn't swear at Delta, would you?

2:14 pm  
Blogger Pomgirl said...

Can it be a musical, with kung-fu?

2:37 pm  
Blogger Abe said...

You make the millions and I'll watch the movie.

Nothing more fun than a near collision experience with a celeb! Lucky you she didn't take it personal. . .

2:45 pm  
Blogger Miss Devylish said...

Oh I so wish I knew who you were talking about but these Veronica people are not anything that has made it to the states. Sad.

I want the movie to be a musical w/ kung fu.. and um.. maybe ballerinas? Sure.. why not!

5:47 am  
Blogger Ellie said...

I'm quite sad, I actually like The Veronicas - in a cheesy, to sing to when tipsy kind of way.

A sequel to the Princess Bride? Oooh, can I be in it? Please miss!


8:12 pm  
Blogger GBE said...

Adam, swords and motorbikes, or course! Can we make the cast wear leather outfits, too?

Mark, but what happens in the sequel? Does Buttercup get kidnapped again? Andre the Giant isn't around anymore, y'know. How could it live up to expectation? And yes, the guy who screamed at The Veronicas was, in fact, an utter dick. Poor little girls. They're only three feet tall.

Pomgirl, this movie is starting to sound pretty good. I love musicals! And kung-fu! The cast can kick arse with style and then break into some catchy tunes.

Abe, are you really choosing to NOT partake in the millions? There will be so much profit to go around. And yep, pretty lucky, or else her squad would've jumped me. They were looking at everyone with shifty eyes.

Miss Devylish, you're not really missing out on too much. They're twins who sing rocky-pop-type music. They're pretty popular at the moment but you've got to wonder how long it's going to last. I can't think of any really famous twins. The girls who starred in Sweet Valley High don't count. And yes! Ballerinas. Ballerinas who can do kung fu and sing. Where will we find this cast?

Ellie, I know all the words to their songs when I'm a bit pissed. I can even strum a few chords and wail my own, mutilated version. And yes, my dear, of course you can be in it. You are going to be a star.

9:31 pm  
Blogger Ellie said...

Oooh I can't wait :) Even if I'm the age of the priest in the first one by the time it's made I still want to be in it!


10:01 pm  

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