Friday, October 06, 2006

It is Friday, and an RDO, and I am celebrating by lounging about on my arse and eating a pot noodle for breakfast. Hurrah! I am following it up with some chewy fruity snakes, because I can. Carbs and MSG and sugar, oh my!

I was rummaging through the fridge a wee moment ago to pull out a bottle of Coke when something caught my eye.

There was a carton of milk on the shelf. Not unusual. I looked above it.

There was another carton of milk.


I don't exactly have a waste-not-want-not mentality. I wasn't raised on a diet of potato skins and weak tea, because times were tough. Hell, I ate roast dinners and biscuits, to tell the truth. I sometimes drank lemonade! But less about the (cough) evident affluence of my upbringing and more about this doubling up business.

There is an open milk carton, with two days left until the expiry, and you want some milk. Do you take the open carton and use its contents freely, or do you open a brand new carton? This is a poll. I don't know how to do fancy polls, so here is some paragraph poll action, with 'this is a poll' thrown in for clarity.

There is only one thing worse than seeing that a new carton has been opened for no reason whatsoever.

Picking up the old carton and discovering that it's EMPTY.

Oh, no milk left in this one, I'll just POP IT BACK IN THE FRIDGE. Of course! Perfect place!

This is worse than the time the toilet paper was put on the holder the wrong way up. This does, of course, mean WAR.


Blogger Amber said...

That was probably the most amusing entry I've read all day. Thanks for the laugh!

11:51 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe he wanted to recycle it but didn't have the time to wash it out and was saving it for later?

The Great Gatsby is a kickarse book, btw. My favourite bits are the black dudes in the car, and the Dutch sailors.

2:35 pm  
Blogger vapidly vibrant said...

Well, the only logical thing i see to do next is to drink all the milk from the second carton, and put it back inside.

(p.s. Ouh! did you cry by the end of Of Mice & Men?...Sorry 'bout the seemingly indiscrete question - that was the first book that made me cry, and i was just curious to know if i were the only pansy little quim out there :S...Carry on, then)

4:00 pm  
Blogger Mr. Guinness said...

Of course it is WAR! We are a civilized society, the lack of civility, the crass attitude, and of course the totally outrageous reality must be dealt with!!!
(let us know who won the war, you, yourself, or what's his name!)
Frankly my money is on the fact that it was a devious plot devised and executed by Reggie when your back was turned :)
Mr. Guinness

11:19 am  
Blogger MadameBoffin said...

Or what about vegemite jars when people take a big glob of it and then, when it's all mixed with butter and toasted breadcrumbs, scrape it back against the jar. GRRARRRRRR!!

I can totally sympathise :)

7:53 pm  
Blogger Miss Devylish said...

It's a boy thing.. like leaving the toilet seat up I think. Gotta train them out of it.

And I LOVE The Great Gatsby.. brings back memories. Enjoy!

6:27 am  
Blogger GBE said...

Rocky Mountain Princess, you're welcome, dearie. :-)

Mark, hey, whose side are you on? And The Great Gatsby is going swimmingly and I am strongly beginning to suspect that it is marvellous.

vapidly vibrant, I'm not sure that would work. Maybe I could pour the milk out and replace it with vinegar, or curdy rancid milk. Muahahaha. Of Mice and Men was definitely blubber-worthy, though I unpredictably managed to refrain from snotting everywhere. It was bloody sad. I was all caught up with the 'deepness' of it all. "Oh, so this bit was touched on in this bit, and this bit is a direct reference to this bit, and oh!"

Mr. Guinness, there is no contest, really. I had won the war before it was even declared. And after reading the last bit of your comment I spluttered a bit - it's John's favourite thing ever to blame things on the bloody bird. His favourite three words are "Reg did it."

Madame Boffin, yeah, what's up with that? Bleurgh. Old crusty bread crumbs on toast - MY FAVE.

Miss Devylish, growing up with brothers got me used to the toilet seat thing. But I cannot tolerate boys who cannot aim for the toilet. It's not as though they have to pee down a narrow tube - they get a humungous bowl to whizz in, yet it's all over the place? Eh? How is this possible?

Aurelius, but the thing is that I'm not sure he realises he's doing it. When I mentioned it to him he looked confused for a moment, and then a bit sheepish. And then he blamed it on the cockatiel. But hey, the third party breaking in is feasible. I mean, the milk is probably the most valuable thing in this place.

6:50 pm  
Blogger hawkeye23 said...

Ha ha ha. All my domestic arguments in one post.

Bloke loves to drink out of the carton IN. FRONT. OF. ME.... then pretend that I didn't see it. I don't know whether he thinks that I think that this is charming, or whether he's trying to push me as far as he can before I snap. It's a mind-game, and one I'm determined to win

9:39 am  
Blogger Marcheline said...

I don't see anything wrong with drinking out of the carton, as long as you're not exhibiting flu symptons or doing it in front of guests. Damn, if you french kiss someone regularly (nevermind the more intimate oral gestures for the moment), who cares if you drink from the same carton??

But putting empty containers back in the fridge? That's just wrong.

- M

2:56 am  
Blogger GBE said...

hawkeye23, when I was a young whippersnapper, I used to drink out of the carton. Yes, punch me. Usually I would take a big swig, just as one of my brothers walked into the room. Muahaha. But they were my brothers, and they used to punch me, so they deserved it. As soon as I moved out of home, I stopped.

Marcheline, oh yes, it is hugely wrong. I just cannot understand the mentality behind it. I am slowly going insane.

1:03 pm  

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