Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Tonight I spotted:

Bottoms x 2
Boobies x 6
Vaginas x 3

That's right. I went to the gym.

Call me old-fashioned, but I still freak out Just A Bit when women rip off their clothes in front of me, and start drying their personal bits with a towel, and rubbing cream on other personal bits, and it's not like I go out of my way to stare but WOAH, there's boobs in my face and I just brushed against a bare arse with my thigh, WOAH.

I like private change rooms. They're convenient and enclosed and good and shieldy and nobody sees my naked bits. This makes me abnormal, right?


Blogger lucy said...

See, same position, just joined a gym. And not happy with the amount of girl flesh aimed at me.

I like my bits, they're all awesome-like. However the only nekkidness I prefer to see is the penis. Hence why I just run home and shower there.

9:32 pm  
Blogger James said...

That is such an Aussie thing, all my Aussie mates also found it a bit wierd and intimidating to be changing in mixed rooms but it's always seemed totally normal to me.

There is one guy who likes to sit, naked, and read the paper at my gym. Now that is wierd and a tiny bit freaky.

12:30 am  
Blogger Shelley said...

I think you're pretty normal.

11:44 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Plus one vote for normal.

Just brought back nasty memories of the steam room at the gym...

2:26 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

there's boobs in my face and I just brushed against a bare arse with my thigh


6:39 pm  
Blogger audrey said...

I kind of like getting changed in the gym. It's the first step to feeling okay with your body. Especially when Suzy Highschool is pert and bouncy in the corner and you can just look over and go, 'meh...'

6:53 pm  
Blogger GBE said...

Lucy, I've considered leaving without showering/changing, but every time I exercise my face turns so dark red it borders on purple, and people start whispering because they think I'm going to die. I don't know where the hell I inherited that from. So I try and cool down a bit, to avoid any unnecessary calls to the emergency services.

James, now that you've mentioned that, I guess I should feel fortunate that the girls are only naked while they're in the process of getting changed and showering. If they sat around casually I'd freak out quite a bit more. What would be worse is if they tried to strike up a conversation. "Oh, hi, how's it BOOBSARSEVAGINAOHMYGOD."

Nails, ta. Everyone else just seemed so comfortable with it.

Guy, two votes for normalcy! Who would've thought. The mental image of the steam room makes me shudder.

Mark, well, I'd like to say that there were some meaningful glances and Come Hither eyebrow lifts and that we 'accidentally' brushed against eachother in those tight changeroom corridors... but that would be a naughty, evil lie.

Audrey, maybe that's it - maybe I'm just not completely comfortable with myself. If I took all my gear off I'd start thinking 'Oh shit, I haven't shaved my legs. Oh bollocks, I bet I've got a small country's worth of cellulite jiggling on my arse right now. Gah.'

7:25 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I personaly dont mind what gets flashed around in the gym. As long as its not 1 foot long and being waved in my direction.

Western cultures worry more about the naked thing. Remember we have the media shove "what we shold be loking like" in our faces every day. So it makes people feel ashamed if they dont fit in with the pics inthe magazines.

I stay in Johannesburg, and here we have an odd mix of cultures. More African cultures dont relly seem (okay I stand corrected as things are slowly changing), didn't mind strutting around in the nick and letting it all hang out (and wobble a bit). They see each (or saw) eahc other for what they are (as people) and not what they loked at.

ITS FUNNY HOW THE WORLD SPENDS TRILLIONS ON TEELING US HOW TO LOOK, BUT NO ONE EVER TELLS US HOW TO FEEL, OR TALSK ABOUT HOW WE FEEL, OR EXPRESSES FEELINGS. Well maybe only the happy ones. Any sad or feelings that might be different, the West tends to try to treat with medication. Instead of trying to understand and experience what we are all going through.

Rambling on again, sorry.

7:41 pm  
Blogger lucy said...

Yep, I do the bright red face thing, that people always seem to comment on. Even the stupid bloody instructors. Apparently it means we have good circulation (I heard that somewhere but I'm pretty sure it's made up)

But I don't really see this as an insecure body issue. I have no problems with my body, I'm just not down with strangers naked bodies.

8:16 pm  
Blogger Ellie said...

I wasn't in a gym but had a rather scary experience with 3 strippers getting ready in a small area just before the toilet (where the sink is) in a pub in Cairns. Trust me, 3 well endowed, naked women in a VERY enclosed space when you're not expecting it can be very startling! At least I now know that I don't really have the body to be a stripper :)

7:30 am  
Blogger GBE said...

Jason, I don't worry too much about what my body looks like, I just don't particularly want strangers peering at it. I'd feel a bit vulnerable, I think.

Lucy, I'm going to have to check if that good circulation thing is true, so then I can throw it in peoples faces when they look at me like they think I'm going to die. I really do turn a very severe colour.

Ellie, I've encountered all sorts of odd things in the ladies room but three strippers prepping themselves would definitely be a first. I'd have to say I'd prefer it over the girls who spew in the sink and scream loudly into mobile phones, though.

9:59 pm  
Blogger Marcheline said...

You're not abnormal.

When I was in the police academy, we had a "group shower room" - you know, big room with shower heads on the wall, no stalls...

I wore a bathing suit bottom in the shower. Somehow the boob thing doesn't bother me, but well, I just wasn't gonna walk around with no PANTS on! This got me mocked royally, but I'm tough. I can hack that. 8-)

Yeah, it freaked me out a little how completely comfortable some of these "girls" were with their nekkedness in front of complete strangers. I guess when you can do one armed pushups, a little nekkedness is nothing to get nervous about... ha!

- M

5:26 am  
Blogger GBE said...

Marcheline, I now have mental imagery of naked women doing one-armed push-ups. And I'm sure they didn't, but man, I've got to put that on a list of things I never want to see.

9:55 pm  

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