Monday, June 12, 2006

Lessons learnt:
  • Running through a room packed full of England supporters and yelling "I'M FROM PARAGUAY!" does not a good joke make.
  • Drinking too much leads to waking up with a blister on your toe, a burnt nose, and a scratch on your eyelid.
  • The Lad is still, well and truly, an absolute twat when he drinks.
  • Typing out really long, rambling posts about how you got really pissed on the weekend and ended up stuck in a room packed with hundreds of men in England t-shirts, singing 'It's coming on, it's coming... FOOTBALL's coming on, it's coming on, it's coming on...' makes you sound like such a pisshead that you delete it and resort to bullet points.
  • (You don't have to tell me that I still come across like a pisshead. I know, I know.)
  • Wimbledon is truly one of the most appalling movies I have ever seen in my life. Kirsten Dunst is the spawn of Satan.
I've really got nothing, kids. I'm picking John up from the airport tomorrow morning. And by 'picking up' I mean I'm meeting him there, and then using public transport and taxis, because I am carless. Carless, not careless. I am quite careful. With everything in general.

Rightio. I'll be leaving now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read in the paper that the Australian team will be relying on some of their taller players to get an advantage over the Japanese defense (because they're so short?) - and for a second I actually cared. About sport. I feel dirty.

8:06 pm  
Blogger KH said...

"It's coming HOME, It's coming HOME" was what the poor deluded fools were singing. The English have this strange view that the World Cup is rightfully theirs and no one should spoil that dream.

Be grateful, you lot dont have to live next to them...

Good result for Oz, BTW. Just beat Japan 3-1!! I have you lot in the office sweepstakes, I now feel a bit more positive about my team allocation.

edit: I have changed my user name from Brett to KH.

7:39 am  
Blogger Ellie said...

I was going to say that I thought it was 'football's coming home' rather than 'coming on' but kh beat me too it. Grr.

Fantastic result of Australia though, had me on the edge of my seat and screaming at the tv by the end of it (and I'm not ususally a footie fan!). I'd much rather see you guys win than England, that was a rather pathetic performance in their first game.

Havn't seen Wimbledon, have been avoiding it. On the other hand have you seen Garden State?

8:08 am  
Blogger Marcheline said...

Lately, a lot of people have been bashing Kirsten Dunst on the web.

I'm not sure what all the hubbub is about. True, she hasn't been any good since her amazing performance in "Interview With a Vampire" (she was what, nine?).... but hating her is sort of like getting wildly angry at cardboard, or trying to throw an empty styrofoam cup across a football field.

- M

12:25 am  
Blogger GBE said...

Ooh, proper sporty comments, like I'm one of those people who knows things about sports.

Mark, I know how you feel. I don't think I quite understand it. I can watch it and enjoy it, but I always say 'oooh!' at the wrong moment, and everyone looks at me with eyes that say 'that wench knows NOTHING about sports. Hmph.'

KH, ah, I'm sorry. They may have been singing 'it's coming home', but I was most definitely singing 'it's coming on', because that's what I thought the words were. And I was thinking 'yes, the football IS coming on. Quite soon, in fact. What an apt song.'

Ellie, I didn't see that Australia/Japan match, what with all of them being shown at ungodly hours of the morning, but I was completely and utter shocked the following morning when I checked the results. Particularly since I've tipped against them the whole bloody way. Stupid bloody Australia, exceeding expectations! I have seen Garden State. Natalie Portman is the prettiest girl ever. I liked it, but thought the shmushy mushy ending was a bit knobby, because I think girly endings spoil movies.

Marcheline, I don't know what it is about Kirsten. I don't hate her, exactly. She might be a lovely girl, in real life and all that. But her acting just gets my goat. Makes me want to gag her a bit. Drives me completely and utterly potty.

(Having said that, I love The Virgin Suicides.)

8:19 pm  

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