Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Man, this World Cup thing is tough. The first week was fine. Picking the winners was a matter of 'they're crap, they're good'. And then a couple of matches pass, and suddenly we're examining their every move, assessing who has more to play for, 'he's been yellow carded, so they'll probably sit him out', looking at the hunger in their eyes, going for the upsets, hoping that they'll make us rather than break us.

I thought it was just about blokes kicking a ball. This shit is driving me nuts. When that toss of the coin doesn't work out, my blood pressure soars and my heart audibly snaps. I apologised to my Tipping Buddy for a bad call, and he said 'oh, it's ok', with a tear in his eye and a face filled with sorrow.

I knew that being a lazy shit wasn't the only reason I was never hugely into sports. I was saving myself heartbreak by sitting on my arse and reading. HEARTBREAK.

Moving along (HEARTBREAK, PEOPLE), John has gone to fetch Indian spices and a wok and I am off sick with a case of SnotNose-itis, so Hi Blog! Missed you, old buddy old pal. Here, have some bullet points, baby. Just the way you like it.
  • John bought a bookcase! I actually unpacked two boxes, which had been packed since all of that backpacking bollocks in early 2005. I filled these three shelves immediately, and there's another shelf full in the Unread Books pile, too.

    I have never actually had a proper bookcase before. This is why I am very excited.
  • The anniversary of the day of my birth led us up Mount Tamborine, which was chocka-block with arty farty home-made crafty foody winey shops. I stuffed my face and drank wine, and it was terribly terribly fun. John gave me a book voucher! And boy, do I love books. Hey, did I mention my bookcase? So yeah, there was a book voucher, andalsodiamondearrings and BOY, do I love books. Then we got home and started discussing what we would do with the evening, before I almost spewed and then FELL ASLEEP FOR 14 HOURS. Uh huh. I know how to make birthdays FUN.

  • The day after that fiasco, I was feeling fine and dandy and John and I visited Mumsy and had lunch at a little country pub, full of tourists with prestige cars whose ideal weekend involves driving a prestige car to a country pub. John met my mum, and my mum said, "He creates a pleasant atmosphere," which I think means she likes him. John told me I look like my mother, which is OLD NEWS. Everyone thinks I look like my mother. Even people who haven't met my mother.
  • I dropped into a co-worker's place on the weekend to fix his computer, which actually involved copying three files into a directory (taking a total of four minutes - the majority of which was spent waiting for the computer to boot up), and he gave me a box of chocolates for it. And I am thinking HEY NOW, this is a lucrative fricking industry. Why do I not work in Computer Fixing? I could be stuffing my face with Cadbury Roses Day. And. Night.
  • The weekend was Hugely, Massively busy. And I realised I'm pretty used to the weekends where I drink beer and live like a hermit and don't do much at all. But, it's ok, because I'm off work now and am having a mid-week weekend. Except I can't actually drink any beer because I'm ill and it would knock me out, and I keep having to blow my nose and sneeze and cough and OH WAIT, this is a right load of arse.

    (But still better than work.)
  • Today I am going to read, eat, blog, and read. In that order.

  • This is a box of sweet biscuit things with soft, chewy, sweet stuff in the middle. John brought them from Kuala Lumpur, just so the following could take place:

    "Oh no, the kok-kok fell out!"

    "Mm, I fancy some kok-kok."

    "This kok-kok tastes great."
Small minds.


Blogger Enny said...

My bookshelfs "memoirs of a geisha" loves your bookshelfs "memoirs of a geisha".

(I couldn really identify any others)

3:43 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First: Memiors of a Geisha SUCKS. My wastepaper basket loves your bookshelf's copy.

Anyhow, I think "He creates a pleasant atmosphere" is a great comment that makes him sound like one of those girls at nightclubs who are hired to dance when the floor is empty. Or like, Michael Parkinson.

Oh and stop posting pictures of your kok-kok on the internet. That's totally inappropriate.

5:37 pm  
Blogger lucy said...

Dude, I may be slow. But I totally got that diamond earring reference. Sneaky bugger.

6:52 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good to hear (or read) that you are so happy at the moment! Keep going ya good thing!

Oh, bye the way, France beat England 3-1 in the final, and you can take that to the bank!

9:34 pm  
Blogger KH said...

pffft! she said "kok"!!

3:04 am  
Blogger Ellie said...

Ooh, my bookcase likes your bookcase, especially with Terry Pratchett, Harry Potter and Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell there :)

That's the one problem with travelling again, I'm going to be leaving my lovely bookcase behind. Enjoy yours to the fullest while you can! :)

3:48 am  
Blogger Marcheline said...

Girlfriend, your new book case rocks, but you gotta trick it out so it doesn't look like it belongs to an uptight dude with pocket protectors!

Hint: Push the books to the back of the shelf, and throw some kooky knick-knacks on the front part of the shelves. (You know, a statuette of Jesus wearing camo, candles shaped like naughty bits, and faded prize ribbons you won at camp when you were 8 - stuff like that).

Most of my books are currently moldering away in boxes in the attic. The rest are teetering in old, swaybacked, pressboard bookcases, so I am appropriately jealous of your new book digs!

- M

5:28 am  
Blogger GBE said...

Enny, well done for spotting that one. I honestly didn't think anyone would be able to recognise any of them, but I should probably realise that only I have eyes as crap as mine.

Oh, Mark. If you had read MoaG when you were a hormonal 16-year old girl and cried your eyes out, I bet you'd love it too. Where can I sign up for one of those dancing girl jobs? I've been doing that shit for free for years. (I love Michael Parkinson)

Lucy, I thought I'd be all sneaky about it, because I figured referring to John approximately 300 times during the post was probably enough Johnnage, without starting on the almighty prettiness of the earrings given by John, too.

Jason, when did this happen? Which final is this? I am highly confused.

KH, not once, but twice! Kok...KOK! Last night: "I don't feel like any more kok-kok. There's only so much kok-kok a girl can handle, and I've had my fill."

Ellie, and a well done to you too for managing to spot those books! I thought people might see Lord of the Rings, or the massive Shakespeare one, but Terry Pratchett? You go, girl.

M, give me time. It's only because it's all new and exciting that they're perfectly-aligned and in strict alphabetical order. The top shelf is already covered with miscellaneous crap - it's just a matter of time before I start making use of that extra space. (Or not. I do quite like pocket protectors, actually.)

10:58 am  
Blogger audrey said...

You fix computers too? You really are an enigma wrapped up in a riddle ensconced in a mystery.

1:50 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dancing girl work? Try your local dodgy nightclub. But remember, you may have to wear flouro orange & long-term exposure to glo-sticks is harmful to your health.

I suggest constructing a hat from a number of pairs of edible underpants.

6:49 pm  
Blogger GBE said...

Oh Audrey, you flatter me. I don't really fix them, though. I just push buttons and swear and sometimes they start working again.

Mark, I'm not sure I can dance with glo-sticks. I'm so used to it being me and my pint. Do you think they'd hire me even though I can't really dance, and just sort of bob and wiggle about? And surely a single pair of underpants would do? If I get them in the right size, they'd fit so conveniently over my head.

6:56 am  

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