Saturday, August 12, 2006

HELLO! Because I am drunk (HELLO I AM DRUNK), I have signed up for a Latin dance class which is starting in a couple of weeks I have also lost the ability to punctuate and will reply to comments once I'm sober and most importantly does anyone remember a film called The Forbidden Dance?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hopefully you will be all sobered up by the time the dancing comes around. Then again maybe that might help :-)

9:48 pm  
Blogger lucy said...

Aww GBE I adore your drunken posts, there should be more of them.

(Did you like the encouragement to become an alcoholic solely to entertain me? Responsible, no?)

11:31 pm  
Blogger GBE said...

Greg, given that I'm going to need to dance in front of (gasp) other people, I may well need a pint or two to get me going. A couple of shots of tequila, perhaps. Hmm. I'll have to give this some more thought.

Lucy, I quite often consider posting when drunk, but by the time my laptop has booted up I'm usually distracted by shiny things/asleep/dancing drunkenly to Shakira. But I'll try and make more of an effort. Just for you.

11:33 am  

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