Wednesday, November 08, 2006

So there I was, waiting for something exciting to happen. I was tapping my toes and drumming my fingers and clicking my tongue. And then, the phone rang.

Do you recall a brief mention of a marvelloussuperfantastic job that I had applied for? About a million years ago? I knew that holding my breath wasn't overly smart, because it's government and government folk need frequent tea breaks, but I had pretty much given up hope and was checking my e-mail with the expectation of finding The Rejection Letter.

But the phone rang!

"Your application has been successful, and we would like to arrange an interview time."


My face flushed and I started leaping about in front of the elevators. And I know I shouldn't be staking my life on this thing because it's only an interview, and we all know that I perform as well in interviews as a large stone with some dirt on it, but hey! Saying 'I'm pretty good' instead of 'I'm mediocre' really does work!

The interview is on Monday.

I must:
  • Dress up. Professional, yet feminine. Must look like I could hold my own in a Proper Business Talk yet also twirl my hair and smile coquettishly.
  • Shake hands firmly. This is my biggest flaw. I am always so flustered by the thought that somebody could possibly want to shake my hand that I end up with a limp and wonky arm.
  • Remember everyone's name. This thing takes place in front of 'The Panel.' I don't want to accidentally refer to Glenn Robbins as Rob Sitch or vice-versa.
  • Pretend that I know what I'm talking about. "What do I think of the current business model? Well. I think it's pretty good. Great even! Uh."
  • Do. Not. Crack. Crap. Jokes. This is VITAL. There is nothing worse than the uncomfortable silence that follows a particularly dodgy joke. I don't want them to put the 'Unfunny Bitch' stamp on my application and throw it in the bin.
Any tips?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

AGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!

I am trying to think of some tips. Be positive about your skills but not overly positive...don't gush. Tell them what you have done and if they ask you any of those hypothetical questions or what you would do in this situation. Or give an example when you were in a situation like that then give a really good one or two examples. Do not go on and on about one thing and do not give three or four or five examples unless they ask.

I used to work for government, mainly as a while I didn't do an interview I did write up criteria for some jobs and the interview sheets. I used to over hear interviews or sit in on a couple of lower level jobs (A2, A3 A4)and hear about other interviews as well. I used to meet the people that got hired also. You are in Brisbane right? What department?? At the beggining of the interview they might give you a peice of paper with questions on it...Think really carefully about what you are going to say in advance and you will be fine!

Also do not expect to hear anything for at least 2 weeks...Unless they need to fill it really quicly (and if that was the case they prob would of contacted you for an interview before now) So if in 2 or 3 weeks time you haven't heard anything do not stress...You will still be in with a great chance!!

Good luck!! I am sure you will be fine!!!


10:01 am  
Blogger hawkeye23 said...

Woo hoo!!!! Let's hope the job wants to marry you too and that there's an engagement party imminent. Good luck!

10:01 am  
Blogger Adam said...

I work for the Brisbane Government now... I'll put in a good word.

Don't be desperate for the job, since it is the government and they really are under resourced in many areas, they really honestly actually do need you more than you need them. Be confident knowing this.

10:22 am  
Blogger vapidly vibrant said...

Oi! That is so awesome!

Don't have any good tips, as i'm afraid i might jinx/spook you more than need be. Just have a great big triple fudge choclate cake afterwards. No matter how it goes. With Guinness. It'll make the whole 2-3weeks of waiting pass by like a snap!

Very much Good Luck, GBE!

3:46 pm  
Blogger Jen said...

Yay, Hooray!!

Just believe that your are confident and you'll project it...

I tried this at a uni presentation earlier this year, I am so scared but acted as if I knew it all and got a 7.

I'll send the most good luck vibes I can muster.

P.S Don't wear pinchy shoes, it's super hard to act cool when your shoes are biting you.

7:10 pm  
Blogger Marcheline said...

a) Forget the bit about hair twirling and being coquettish. Completely.

b) Wear professional clothing in a completely forgettable color - so they will remember your face, not what you wore. If your outfit is too jazzy, they will assume your priorities lie in your closet and not at your desk.

c) Work on the handshake. A firm, confident grip is your first impression on someone most times. I never forget a "cold fish" handshake, and neither will they.

d) If they ask you a question you're clueless on, turn it around by asking a question back. For example:

Interviewer: What do you think about the current business model?

You: Where was that posted on your website? I was doing a little pre-interview research, but...

Interviewer: Uh, we haven't exactly gotten around to updating our website yet, so... (and conversation continues without you having to answer).

Good Ruck Rastro!

- M

2:29 am  
Blogger Miss Devylish said...

Eye contact! Shows confidence and ease.. and smile sugar. That shouldn't be hard for you. Good luck!!

3:27 am  
Blogger Adam said...

Don't eat all the Monte Carlos in their kitchenette.

Don't make an off the cuff comment about how if you don't get this job then Players might be interested.

Don't start any sentences with 'You know why I don't brake when I see public servants cross the road....'

12:36 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was taught never to initiate a handshake with a woman, on account of they should always go first. Ergo, any bloke who ambushes you with a proffered hand is a rude goit. Not that the moral high ground is much use in a job interview...

Good luck, though. Your good looks and charming girl-next-door personality could warm even the iciest of hearts!*

*I could be wrong about this. My mental picture of you would get the job, at any rate.

3:59 pm  
Blogger lucy said...

Dude you will be fine.

I did the fake the confidence thing, luckily all of my skills from the old job were lacking at the new place so I was hailed as awesome.

I echo the above comment that generally with government jobs they need you more than you need them.

Seriously even if you don't get it (un-bloody-likely) interview experience is always a good thing.

Oh and have your hair up.

See, plenty of useless advice in this here comment.

7:37 pm  
Blogger Abe said...

Hey, I like your sense of humor. And I think they will like it too. This means you are required to make jokes, even if they don't laugh.

And of course the lady whos picture is in my head when I read your stuff would get hired regardless of how bad the interview went. I realize she is not you, but you two write exactly alike I swear!

Good Luck!

6:08 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay, I wish you well.

I just went the other way, I was in the private sector, then got a government job but just today I signed my new contract so in 2007 I'll be back in the private sector for more money and benefits!

11:03 pm  
Blogger audrey said...

Brilliant. Don't crack jokes though, I don't think public sector people like that. Not the ones I know anyway. Get the job and then look forward to endless days surfing the net and drinking cups of tea.

I'm so jealous.

4:12 pm  
Blogger GBE said...

Lulu, y'see, I read your comment and noted the bit about the piece of paper with questions on it, and when they handed me one I still didn't twig that I was going to have to present them. I thought that maybe I would have to read them out but I didn't know it would be the Whole. Half. Hour. Gah. I'm not overly confident but I'll just wait and see. They're hiring quite a few so who knows - I might get it. Thanks for your tips!

Hawkeye23, I was all prepped to buy a bottle of champers to celebrate the imminent engagement, but now I have to wait two weeks. If I get it, then I might just down that entire bottle of champagne in one go.

Adam, did you put in the good word for me? I should hope so. Make sure you mention me as 'the girl with the crap hair who was really quiet' and they'll know it's for me, for sure. I was trying to be all confident but then they said that the skills I would learn would make me an incredibly valuable asset for the rest of my life and I went all giggly.

Vapidly vibrant, thank you for the good lucking. There is a fantastic cake shop near the bus stop but by the time I arrived there was a bus due in five minutes so I had to skip the cake. Skipping the cake shop is BLASPHEMY. I shall make up for it by eating twelve cakes tomorrow.

Jen, I tried to be confident but the strange interview tactic threw me off. But I did wear most excellent and comfortable shoes.

Marcheline, thank you! I managed to follow all of your tips, but I was still unfortunately all nervous and twittering so I really don't know what will happen. Gah.

Miss Devylish, plenty of eye contact and plenty of laughing. But I may have giggled a bit, instead. Which makes me seem very 14. I should've brought out my deep womanly laugh.

Adam (again), mmm, I love Monte Carlos. I steal those from my work all the time. I should've stated it on my application. "Must be a ready supply of Monte Carlos on site or unable to function."

Mark, I think I need to congratulate myself on managing to come across like a good-looking girl next door on this here blog. This does of course mean that you have just ensured that I will never post a picture of myself, because the mental image will be ruined forever. And I think that every man I have ever met in a work situation has extended their hand first. Where are manners these days?

Lucy, most excellent advice. I will never be caught out by a surprise presentation again because of this experience. Plus, I wore my hair up because you told me too, and the girl who went in there before me had her hair down and was wearing an overly swooshy dress and I thought 'HA, looks like SOMEBODY didn't get any advice from Lucy.'

Abe, oh, you boys and your mental pictures. Thank you muchly. And they did laugh at the couple of jokes I cracked, but it seemed like polite laughter. If I get the job, I will inflict my crap sense of humour on them ENDLESSLY. Muahaha.

Joi, I'm going to the government for more money and benefits! And frequent days off. Hurrah! Let's all cross our fingers and toes.

Audrey, would you believe that one of the Public Sector Chaps cracked a joke? I don't really remember it but it was something about throwing a jug of water over somebody. I laughed uproariously. And you needn't be jealous. If I get the job I will request that they hire you immediately and then we can sit down and read eachothers blogs and drink endless cups of tea together.

7:22 pm  
Blogger Susanne said...

That's wonderful news. Good luck!

2:06 pm  

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