Tuesday, January 30, 2007

I was very much reminded of Steph's latest post this afternoon when I was queueing for the bus, only to have another of the bus regulars barge in front of me and plonk her arse directly into my seat. Grr! After all the minutes we've spent together at the bus stop, looking at our watches and tutting, this is how she repays me? I sat behind her and glared at her perfect hair the whole way home. Bus karma was not being my friend, and this was made evident when out of all of the free seats, a girl walked up to the one next to me and sat herself down, straight on top of the loaf of bread I'd just purchased.

On top of THIS, the seat I'd chosen was one of those dodgy shit seats which sort of steps up, so your legs are all hunched up and around your neck and you look bloody stupid. Ooh!

My only consolation during this whole debacle was watching the wench in front of me shivering from the freezing cold jet of air-conditioning. Yes! There is a reason I sit in that fantastic seat besides it giving me enough leg room to dance the Highland Fling. Obviously I am WAY HARDCORE and she is just not cut out for that Punk Rock Seat Action.


There's not too much going on at the moment. Well, there's quite a bit of Brain Business going on, what with the thinking and the pondering and the mulling, but nothing that can be committed to blog post yet and may never be, because let's face it, I sure do come up with an awful lot of utter shit.

I am going to South America in three weeks, and the only Spanish I have learnt is how to say "Can I have a ham sandwich, please?" I am a lazy shit. But I figure that as long as there's a lot of ham sandwiches in Peru and Bolivia, I should be ok. Yeah?


Blogger lucy said...

Dude I went to France with only one phrase which meant 'repeat after me in French', which was all I could remember from my 2 years of study at school.

I like the wildly gesturing and bunging on a heavy accent approach.

Mildly effective but quite amusing.

8:20 pm  
Blogger Winter said...

All you need to know is "Donde esta el bano?" (there should be a tilde ~ on the n so it's pronounced banyo). That's "Where is the bathroom?" I mean, isn't all you need in any language?

7:03 am  
Blogger vapidly vibrant said...

May i sugest spanish lesson in the form of deliriously fabulous fashion? Or, would you prefer my personal favorite. It would come mighty handy, i'd think.

p.s. Pan's Labyrinth is utterly BEAUTIFUL! And to answer your question, she ate the grapes, in my humble knowledge, bc she is a) painfully stupid, or b) a cruel sadist out to scare the begesus out of poor innocent souls like ourselves. I tend to favour the latter for she also made me cry like a whimpy little pansy.

2:28 pm  
Blogger MissE said...

While I was o/s I met some girls who were heading to South America. They were brushing up on their English before they went. Apparently it's the one to know over there. So you should be fine.

And yeah - she ate the grapes probably because a) she's a kid, and while she's a smart kid and all that, she had to do something stupid so we remember she's a kid and b) because otherwise that whole scene would have been a little dull.

7:20 pm  
Blogger Leonie said...

I thought the only phrase necessary in other languages is "Beer please". una cerveza por favor, and keep em coming.

11:25 am  
Blogger GBE said...

Lucy, yeah, I've found that every time I've made an effort to learn a bit of a language it's been pretty much unnecessary. I was just a bit worried about South America, thinking that it might not be quite so touristy as all the Europe bits. I've made a bit more of an effort and can now count to six! Hurrah!

Winter, I think you are probably right. Everything else I can point at or draw a picture of or gesture about, but I think it would be tough to gesture 'toilet' and my drawing skills aren't THAT up to scratch. I shall take this new phrase and memorise it immediately, thank you.

vapidly vibrant, Oh. My. God. Must. Have. Both. Now. Judging by all of the cheap cerveza which will be on offer I very well may need "where are my pants?" And Ofelia very nearly made me cry, too - I was completely shaken up afterwards and was walking down the street all semi-blubbery. A guy at work who saw it said that he's convinced that the princess story was all made up in her head to help her through the terrible life she was living and I went all shivery and very nearly had a crying fit then and there. Three weeks after seeing the fricking movie!

Ooh, thank you Chesty, feel much better now. I'll be on an organised tour anyhoo so the tour guidey person will know it if I need it, I suppose. I like being able to read signs and stuff, though. And you're right, that scene would have been a bit crappy if she'd just climbed out the door with her dagger, fairies in hand. But God damn it scared the living shit out of me.

Leonie, I'm learning some good ones here. I can ask for a ham sandwich and now, thanks to you guys, I can ask for the toilet, ask for beer, and ask "where are my pants?" Fantastic! And hello! :)

7:38 pm  
Blogger MissE said...

On PL: I kinda thought the same as that guy you work with - that the monsters were in the the real world with her and she retreated into a fantasy to help her deal.

8:23 pm  
Blogger GBE said...

Chesty, that does seem to be the most logical outcome, but it's too sad so I'm pretending otherwise. Or else I start blubbering, and snotting, and my face gets all puffy and hideous. And I don't think that Pan's Labyrinth wants to be held responsible for that puffy face action.

7:53 pm  

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