Friday, January 26, 2007


Tops with v-backs. I tried to find an image of this for about twenty minutes before realising, hey, I could've just gotten fricking changed and taken a picture of myself in about five, and by that point I just could not be arsed doing anything, but I am sure you know what I mean, anyway. I am all, "Hey! Check out my pasty back cleavage, people!"

The Instant Messaging system at work. Oh, how I love thee! Not only can I ask questions without leaving my seat, I can deliver my terrible jokes and don't have to see people rolling their eyes in response! I have discovered the perfect method of comic delivery. How long has this IM business been around, and why have I not married it yet?

Pretending it is 1988. But rather than being five years old, I am twenty-three! Walking around in Chuck Taylors and scowling at the emo kids. Quoting John Hughes' movies and almost wetting my pants from excitement when Rage decides to play Cyndi Lauper. "It's the song from The Goonies! Good enough for me-e, ai-yi-yi-yi-yi-yiii!"


This shitting shitty shitearse weather. Waking up every night in a pool of my own sweat. Walking to work in the early morning, fooled by the cool breeze, and turning up completely drenched because of the stupid arsing humidity. I am THIS close to moving to Iceland. Or Alaska. Or Antarctica with the pingus.

The impending announcement. Yes, I will soon have to tell my work that I am pissing off for four weeks. Oh, yes, sorry I forgot to mention this when I took the job, but I really wanted to work here and you wouldn't have hired me if I'd told you. Terribly, terribly sorry. But I've been kissing arse so monumentally that you won't mind? Surely?

The effing RSI. I seem to have developed this after a whole two months of the new job. I asked for a mouse mat, hoping for one of those anti-RSI gel things, only to be given one of those flat, scratchy bits of foamy shit. I think that action needs to be taken, before my wrist seizes up altogether and my hand becomes permanently set in a mouse-holding position. And then everyone will laugh at the girl with the mouse hand and I will sniffle.

Happy Long Weekend, and all that.


Blogger jedimerc said...

Ah, scowling at emos... so nice to see.

'The Goonies'... mmm... 1988 we hardly knew ye :)

4:50 am  
Blogger Rugby Weather said...

Well, you could be here (virginia) freezing your ass off:

although I will admit that I love this cold much more than energy draining, sweat induced heat and humidity. Oh, note the temperatures are in Fahrenheit and not Celcius...therefore 32F is 0C.

5:16 am  
Blogger Amber said...

Or you could be here in Colorados in the heart of the Rocky Mountains. I posted some pictures on my blog a few days ago; we got about 4 feet of snow then had a deep freeze where temperatures were reaching -38F at night. It froze our river from the bottom up (one of only like, three rivers in the world, that freeze that way) and plugged it up good. We've been having flooding and several people who live on Water St (closest to the river) have had to evacuate. It's getting better now that the temperatures have been getting a little warmer during the day but still... it's definitely been a harsh winter!

Your entries seriously crack me up. Work IM? LoL... wait until you discover the joys of Yahoo Messenger, MSN Messenger, ICQ, AOL, or GoogleTalk. Then you get to chat with people online that you actually like (i.e. don't have to work with, haha).

Anyway, take care and try to get through the Australian summer. I couldn't imagine what that is like!

10:02 am  
Blogger Rugby Weather said... could go swimming on Mondays in the Chespeake Bay where the water temperature is in the 40's (F)...of course it is wet suits, but it still is mighty damned cold. The link:


11:51 am  
Blogger Adam said...

Dude, it's so the IM that is causing the RSI... how many words and bad jokes are you typin' per minute? I actually have closed down my work IM, peeps kept on interupting my blogbrowsin'. I had to buy my own squishy mousey thing from Office Works though, $13 dude, you can do it!! I'll pledge $3.50.

5:08 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reading your blog was like watching an entire series of Sex and the city in one sitting. Super amusing.

8:36 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pretending it is 1988. But rather than being five years old, I am twenty-three! Walking around in Chuck Taylors and scowling at the emo kids.

Except the emo kids are now original 80s goth kids and therefore waaay cooler than you. Damn!

RSI - the worse it gets, the quicker it will come back next time, so try and do something about it right away. I recommend:

a) work less / take breaks
b) try a graphics tablet instead of, or in combination with, a mouse. Even the cheapest ones kick arse. (
c) Apple keyboards are stacks better than your average windows keyboard.
d) most importantly, always warm up (

1:14 pm  
Blogger GBE said...

Jedimerc, to tell the truth, I was scowling at them before I started pretending it was 1988. And I wish I was one of The Goonies.

wxguesser, that image confuses the crap out of me, but if that place is freezing cold then right now I would happily marry it and have its babies.

Amber, the whole thing was frozen solid? That flooding business doesn't sound good, but I think I'd even prefer a bit of flooding than what we're going through right now. Gah. And there's OTHER types of instant messenger? OH MY GOD.

wxguesser, woah! Charts galore! I don't think I'd be too keen on any swimming - I prefer to experience cold weather by rugging up with coats or in front of fireplaces or looking at pretty snow... sigh.

Adam, I would say that my Bad Joke Typing Speed is at least 80wpm, and now you mention it, it can't be doing my poor broken hands any good. I can't believe you have shut down your IM - if I did not have it I think I would start crying and possibly do twice as much work. And of course, you are missing out on my shitty jokes, good sir! I shall be checking out the super squishy mouse mats, pronto.

Rosanna, that is a super awesome compliment right there. Thank you, lovely girl!

Mark, I will admit that some of those emo kids look damn cool. Curse them with their cool clothes and post-1990 dates of birth. As for the RSI, I've been bending my hands all over the place several times a day which looks pretty similar to the forearm and wrist stretch on that website. I can't see the government splurging on any Apple equipment any time soon so I doubt that one will happen, but I totally want a graphics tablet. And then I will try and draw cartoons and fail miserably because I have zero artistic talent. Hooray!

7:21 pm  

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