Saturday, January 20, 2007

Now with even MORE BPA (Bullet Point Action)! Yeah!
  • Don't you hate it when you buy a chocolate bar or a drink (etc.) which promises you a CHANCE TO WIN! and then you open it to discover 'For your chance to win, dial this number/post this wrapper!' I'm sorry? You offer me a chance to win and then want me to go out of my way to discover if I've won? HELL NO. You tell me right now if I've won. On this wrapper. TELL ME. I am not going to take my mangy, slimy chocolate wrapper to the post office and slide its greasy arse into an envelope, with everyone looking at me and thinking 'Can you believe she goes to the post office to send a WRAPPER?' This riles me up.
  • Do you live in Brisbane? Tell me, is there ANYWHERE in Brisbane that plays decent music on a Friday night? And by decent, I mean something I can dance to, something that will make me say 'I LOVE this song', something that will make me bob my head, wiggle my arse and look altogether ridiculous. Please tell me. Because if I have to listen to a remix of Alice Cooper's Poison one more time, as sung by a twenty-something stock-standard bint with an average voice, I will CRY/DIE/PIE in the SKY in my EYE.
  • Woah! Random. Sorry.
  • As a super duper quiet person, I'm often wary of coming across as snooty, because the girl who doesn't talk to anyone might seem a bit up herself, right? So I was giving this some thought and realised that I think that most people are wankers. The people who can't do their jobs properly, the people who walk too slow when I'm in a hurry, the people who push the button at the pedestrian crossing when there's already thirty people waiting, WANKERS. And generally speaking, I don't think of myself as a wanker. Therefore, I must think that I am better than them, THEREFORE I am a snooty cow. Now is this beer making things unnecessarily introspective, or do I need a punch in the face?
  • A million hugs, kisses and sexual favours to everyone who fed my Eighties Craving in the comments of the last post. I love you muchly. It was time to return last week's DVD's so I wrote down every single movie you suggested that I either hadn't seen before or hadn't seen in years (i.e. most of them) and was extremely chuffed at the thought of having an idea of what I wanted before I walked into Blockbuster. Then, I left the list AT HOME. Me = git. I fortunately managed to remember quite a few of them, and then was appalled to discover that Blockbuster isn't actually all that great when it comes to choice of movies, because they didn't seem to have many of them at all. Though I saw about six movies starring Keira Knightley. What is wrong with the world today?
  • Are you really going to punch me in the face? Come on now. Hey. We're buddies, yeah?
  • If you couldn't tell from my music rant earlier, I went out on the town last night. I managed to bump into not one but THREE ex-co-workers from the shitty insurance place, in three separate instances. One who had jumped ship before I did, one who arse-kissed his way to a promotion, and one who allowed me to see him cheating on his girlfriend for the second time, with a different girl. Oh!
Yes. Oh.


Blogger Rugby Weather said...

Did you get a chance to watch "No Way Out"? Great thriller from the 80's!!

1:18 am  
Blogger vapidly vibrant said...

Oh no! I do not wish to punch you in the face at all [having somehting to do with me being Miss Snooty Snot as well...ahem], but instead offer my warmiest [yes, t'is a word - am like bjork now] hugs [if you're not so adverse to hugs. If you are, then a handshake? A very enthusiastic-bordeline-uncomfortable handshake?]

All the 80s movie suggestions were GRRRREAT [am going to shamelessly steal a few suggestions, if you don't mind...]! But i'd add Dune to the mix. That's where i fell in love with Paul Atreides...*sigh*

p.s.: am going to see Pan's Labyrinth today! Wouhou!

4:58 am  
Blogger jedimerc said...

6 Kiera Knightly movies... ack... My movie watching for the weekend will amount to 'Letters From Iwo Jima' tonight (mostly because of the NFL playoffs tomorrow)...

7:36 am  
Blogger Jen said...

I dare say previous insurance company + working in the city makes you a bit...antsy.

I used to have many of the same thoughts as you, my pet hate, why do people need to dash across at an intersection the moment there is a break in traffic? Are they too cool to wait for the walk sign? Or do they just love work SO much they want to get their 20 seconds before everyone else who can just wait for the crossing light??!

I think because there is such a large number of people in the city at those peak times it's easy to find people you dislike for whatever reason. I don't think it makes you snooty, it just makes you a tortured city worker :P

P.S I firmly believe your floor of former insurance company was much cooler than mine, no one on my floor was out having affairs, most people were all boring and married, though there was a bit of arse kissing going on...

9:18 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Though I saw about six movies starring Keira Knightley. What is wrong with the world today?

Obviously that it is TOO DAMN SEXY. A sad fact but a true one.

Oh, but I'm with you on the wankers. Especially the street crossing redundant-button-pushers. I must be just as snooty.

3:59 pm  
Blogger Marcheline said...

Keira Knightley = vapid, overplayed, overpaid, and talent-free zone

Going to Blockbuster to find good old movies would be like going to Target to buy antique furniture. You have to find your local geek-wad video store (every town has one) where they stock out of print vids and know who starred in every sci-fi flick from the 1950's.

Your first clue that you're in the right place will be that the guy behind the counter looks like the undead - pasty greyish white skin, lank hair - because he spends every minute of his spare time watching cult movies in a darkened room.

My local archive dive video store actually rented me a VHS videotape from the early 80's that had no cover. They just put it in a white cardboard cover and wrote the name of the film on it in black magic marker. They told me they needed my credit card number if I wanted to rent it, because the movie was out of print and if I ate it or lost it or ran it over with my car, I'd have to pay for it.

Blockbuster? Ewwwww. P.S. If you're on a budget, as I am, try your local library - they've got tons of movies, both VHS and DVD, for FREE!

3:42 am  
Blogger MissE said...

DVD's have killed the video store. They've started weeding out all their videos to make space for dvd's, and aren't replacing a lot of it. Or so I've noticed. It's all about the new releases now. And it sucks.

Oh, and I usually come off as snooty due to being extremely socially retarded. AND I think I'm better than everyone ... Double whammy.

10:36 am  
Blogger Winter said...

I used to work in a small independent video store. However, we weren't the cool sort that stocks all manner of out of print vids. We were in small rural town, and all they wanted was crap like 'White Chicks' and 'Stealth' or anything labled as a horror movie. And while I was there we cleared out a lot of our old VHS and didn't replace any of it. It's true, it was all about whatever was the newest release.

2:26 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"a CHANCE TO WIN!" is actually much more than that. It's a shot at immortality.

If you enter their competition and win their prize, they will want to contact you, won't they? So you will give them your phone number/address/e-mail. Thereafter, win or lose, their marketing department will SMS/mail/spam you FOREVER!

7:20 am  
Blogger jedimerc said...

Random, and not 80's... 'Letters From Iwo Jima' was fantastic and Clint Eastwood should win another Best Director for this (and Ken Watanabe amazes me everytime I see him act... just brilliant).

ooh, and another poster mentioned 'Dune'... brilliant music and you can't go wrong with Sting as Feyd, but the newer version on the SciFi channel was much better and actually held to the novel.

5:07 pm  
Blogger GBE said...

wxguesser, I did see it in Blockbuster and thought it looked very familiar, but did not end up getting it. But tomorrow I am going back for more movies, so I will try and grab it then, for sure.

vapidly vibrant, Dune shall be added pronto. And you must tell me what you think of Pan's Labyrinth! Must! I have been telling people at work to go and see it but they ignore me. Sniff. I just want somebody to agree with me about the grapes.

jedimerc, it's not that I hate her all that much, I just think that she pouts too much. I liked Bend It Like Beckham. Though I saw Pride and Prejudice the other night and it was utter BOLLOCKS.

Jen, I must admit that I sometimes cross right before the man goes green, but that is purely so I can get out in front of the crowd because if I end up stuck behind them I will have to kill myself because they walk Too Slow. Most of the people on my floor were boring and married too, though they seemed to be increasing the number of girls in their late teens. Thank God I left.

Mark, I think that Keira is pretty, albeit a bit too pouty. I can't say she's ever really impressed me in any films though. And hooray for finding others who are as snooty as I!

Marcheline, you have set me two tasks. I am going to search high and low for my local geeky video store. I will know it by its odour. And I really must go to the library. Not only for the movies, but I am buying way too many books.

Miss LaRue, there is actually a wall full of old videos there, and I must admit that I've never even looked at them. Another mission for tomorrow, hurrah! And as for this socially-retarded business, are we actually the same person? I think we are.

Winter, ah, 'tis sad indeed. But what happened to those old videos? Did you throw them out, or send them off somewhere? There must be a secret stash of old videos somewhere.

Michelle, oh my God, I think that I am actually TallBoy. I completely avoid the communal lunchroom. Like the plague! I usually need to booze up to handle people.

Mike, maybe my complete unwillingness to ever participate in these competitions is why I am pretty much spam free? Spam e-mail is pretty unavoidable but I have never had one of those trashy spam sms's, yay! I knew that being stubborn would get me somewhere.

Jedi, Dune stars Sting? Oh, I must! And I will keep an eye out for Iwo Jima, if it's so good that Dirty Harry deserves an Oscar for it. I'm not sure if it's out here yet.

6:47 pm  
Blogger Winter said...

All the videos we pulled from the shelves were sold off for a pittance. I picked through and took a few myself, but we didn't have the greatest selection to start with. *shrug*

7:30 am  
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6:48 pm  

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