Thursday, December 21, 2006

It is a widely-held view that government workers are notorious slackers, and I can now confirm that it is 100% accurate. Two hour lunches, mammoth team 'meetings' involving arts and crafts, early finishes, THE WORKS.

(Or, quite ironically, the lack thereof.)

This is all very foreign to me, coming from the land of "You were three minutes late today, is everything ok?" I actually asked if I had to go to the arts and crafts session and was looked at in a way that suggested I was Quite Mad.

So while the e-mails were mounting, I was in charge of the icing sugar.

The government is also quite cliquey. There are Giggly Girls, there are Older People, there are Boy Gangs, and I am yet to find any Crap Joke Crackers like me. There does seem to be a number of Dishy Chaps about the place though, which is also a shock to the system after coming from a workplace full of laydeez and gay men.

I am finishing up at 1pm tomorrow, and then all hell breaks loose for the Christmas period. It seems to me like it will be ridiculously busy, but in true Christmas fashion, I suspect I will discover that I really didn't have that much to do and spend a lot of my time in front of the telly, watching DVD's and eating Happy Hippos.

What would you do if you discovered that somebody was copying your blog posts, and pasting them into their blog as their own? Would you mention it in one of your rambling posts, and hope that it would subtly tell them that you were onto them? Or publicly NAME AND SHAME?

Hey! It's MY boring life! MINE!


Blogger Deb said...

my vote is for naming and shaming! I mean, who would do that?? seems kinda lame?

Oh, er, hello by the way :)

9:03 pm  
Blogger Enny said...

I'd post about it and see if it turned up there too.

I'm with you on the PS bludge tho - we went to the Hyatt for buffet lunch today and are going bowling and drinking tmr... HOORAY FOR CHRISTMAS!

9:19 pm  
Blogger jedimerc said...

I shake my fist at government benefits, even when our government workers get less vacation than say, Australia, or any other Western nation (with the exception I suppose of Japan). But I'm just jealous because I live in the land of the 40+hour work week :)

4:14 am  
Blogger Queen Aimz said...

name and shame!!!! that's just rude... if they have a boring life its their problem!

5:33 am  
Blogger MissE said...

I'm not going to use the p-word, because people tend to get all aghast about such accusations, but cutting and pasting someone elses posts and fobbing them off as your own is ... pretty much the p-word.

And just rude.

And where can I find one of these government jobs? Do they have them in Sydney? I want!

8:10 am  
Blogger Rugby Weather said...

Being a Government Worker in the States, I must concur on the ability to be at work while at the same time, not working.
We also are able to take what is commonly known as a "Federal Friday" in which we basically get a 1/2 day on every Friday. Do ya'll get that Federal Friday?

10:24 am  
Blogger n said...

Ooh oooh name and shame, name and shame!

Aren't we a vicious crowd, howling for blood?

Isn't it funny how guilt/paranoia works- I had a sudden moment of feeling paranoid/guilty about it, as though somehow I could haved been the culprit, plagiarizing blog posts when a) I've had no computer and b) without realizing!


1:13 pm  
Blogger audrey said...

Jesus! I want Federal Friday! I guess it is small compensation for living in a land run by Bush though...still.

Name and shame, name and shame!

3:13 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Instead of naming and shaming, can you not just write a post that is so humiliating and so totally gross that no one would want to copy it? That, my friend, is a plan that cannot fail.

Thanks for the offer of a Free John with Only Small Payment Required - that is quite lovely of you.

I have to work this weekend and on the 3 days after Boxing Day, not because there is any work to do but because my section is trying to out politicalicize another department.

4:41 pm  
Blogger Don Quixote said...

I've often thought about copying your posts and claiming them as my own, but I'm rather afraid that talk of British boyfriends may confuse my readers.

5:23 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Arts and crafts? wtf? Are you guys making your own Christmas cards while the phones go unanswered? Does the boss get angry if you don't colour inside the lines?

Funny about Joanna Newsom, btw. It's a voice you either love or hate I guess.

8:12 pm  
Blogger lucy said...

No, you totally have to name the dirty copy cat now.

Go on GBE, it'll save me having to google random entries of yours and you know I'd do that.

But I'm kinda tired so maybe just name and shame?

9:08 pm  
Blogger Mr. Guinness said...

Surely you jest? Why would a "rationale" person want to "cut and paste" and claim it's themself? Maybe they are simply a very sick shite!
Local U.S. joke,= What's yellow and sleeps six? Answer A Department of Public Works truck!
What's a happy Hippo, ...but in any event have a Merry Christmas and write a "Night before Christmas" blog from a government employee. :)

10:45 pm  
Blogger phishez said...

Who would do such a thing? Are they so dense they can't figure out how to blog their own life? I'm not saying your blog isn't wonderful, but copied...

Are you copying someone elses blog now?

Do they copy the comments too?

1:33 pm  
Blogger Adam said...

Pffft, like you haven't been copying my blog since day one.

11:47 am  
Blogger Mars said...

NAME AND SHAME. who the hell is it? well, i know it's not me... my blog isn't this good.

12:16 pm  
Blogger GBE said...

Hello Deb! If you are attending the next blogfolk meet-up, I very well may see you then. :-)

Enny, it seems like every event at my work requires some sort of payment. They're willing to give us loads of time off, but if we want to have a lunch or drinks or anything, we have to fork out for it. This seems to vary depending on the dept though, I think.

Jedimerc, I think that there are quite a few people who work more than 40 hours. I mean, I could possibly do that, except I really don't want to. There's DVD's to watch, and chocolate to eat, and, you know, better things to do.

Queen Aimz, the thing is, my life is TOTALLY boring. I just don't understand it.

Miss LaRue, I bet you could land a government job easy-peasy if you want one. There's normally loads of selection criteria tosh, but it's easy if you've got half a brain and before you know it, you'll have joined the ranks of the slack. Hoorah!

Lulu, I suspect the p-word that Chesty was referring to was coughplagiarismcough, but your words serve equally as well. Yep, she changes some details - she usually changes John's name to 'Logan' and alters the names of books/bands to the ones that she likes. But all the rest, mine mine mine.

wxguesser, I can't speak on behalf of all the Aus government folk, but we have the option to work a little bit extra and then take that time off whenever we want. So, we could take it on a Friday, or, in the case of my current job, they recommend we work a nine-day fortnight. Which sounds just fine and dandy to me.

MMQC, hey now, if you'd managed to plagiarise my blog without any access to a computer and without intending to, then that is so talented that you can have it, lovey.

Audrey, I will name and shame just for you, my lovely.

Adam, that totally blows. The working bit, that is. Unless you are completely by yourself, in which case you can play toons very loudly and shake your thang on your co-workers desks.

Don Quixote, you make me giggle. You are free to copy and paste whenever you desire.

Mark, would you believe that my superior actually did get shitty at me because I suggested that I stay at work while everyone joined in the Secret Santa Gift Opening, purely because I started working there after all the gifters/giftees had been drawn and therefore had no present to open?

Lucy, it wouldn't take too much googling, to be honest. The Ripping Off has been going on since April, or thereabouts. Crazy!

Mr. Guinness, a Happy Hippo is a hippo-shaped meringe shell full of hazelnut creamy stuff, with meringue speckly bits all over the outside. That is probably a rubbish description, but trust me, they are marrrrvellous. And my apologies, I fully intended to blog some Christmas Eve gibberish, but was sidetracked, and possibly drunk, so did not.

Phishez, I really don't understand it. I am of the opinion that I ramble far too much bullshit on here to make it copy-worthy. And the couple of posts the girl has written herself seem alright - she could certainly manage to blog her life without my help, I'm sure.

Adam, but you see, I cleverly alter it so nobody has picked up on it yet. For example, I always change 'Adam' to 'GBE', amongst other Extremely Clever things. Are you going to the next blogger meet-up thingo?

Mars, thank you, you flatter me, but let's face it - this blog is a load of bollocks, and the poor girl must be an absolute looooon, with a couple of extra O's.

6:03 pm  

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