Sunday, February 19, 2006

We were calling him Shithead, and then Bastard, and then El Birdo, but finally we decided that anything was better than no name at all and called him Reg.

Reg just shat on my hand.

On a completely unrelated but very Holy Shit note, last weekend we visited the annual travel expo in order to pick some well-travelled brains. We filled a bag with brochures and talked to a lady who didn't know much at all, but she was very forthcoming with brochures.

Me: Answer this question.
Her: Here's a brochure and some false information about the wet season in South America.

But, this is entirely beside the point, because the point is that around this time next year you'll find me at Machu Picchu, yelling 'Hola' and 'Tapas' because that's all the Spanish I know, and trying to avoid llama spag.

Which is Very Exciting.

Except for that bit about llama spag, which is pretty bloody disgusting.

Who's coming with?


Blogger Don Quixote said...

All things going peachy, I'll be dancing strangely atop Machu Picchu late next year. We can compare blog notes.

3:58 pm  
Blogger KH said...

I'm jealous.

6:57 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm there. I even know a little Spanish: no es bueno! No me hagas caso! (Translation: 'please stop trying to kill me.' I learnt Spanish from William Borroughs novels unfortunately)

8:34 am  
Blogger Marcheline said...

So - how in heck did you come up with a name like "Reg"?

- M

1:08 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My mom and dad went to South America. Not to be "Debbie Downer" but my Mom became so ill on the way to Machu Picchu. Altitude sickness...pain in her muscles, the worst headache, nausea etc..that she's ever had in her life. Is there a way to avoid that?

2:00 am  
Blogger GBE said...

Don. You totally copied me.

Brett, no time like the present to take a month off work and visit a different continent.

Mark, I think that phrase may come in handier than you'd think...

M, I think it was a combination of my best mate saying 'Just name him Reg' and me having no idea of what to call him and thinking that 'Bird' was getting a bit old.

MJ, I've heard the nasty stories about altitude sickness, too. I think there's some sort of medication available that will help it, but if I have to put up with it, I will. Please remind me of this in a year's time when I'm crying for my mummy and screaming 'I HATE YOU, ALTITUDE'.

6:29 pm  

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