Tuesday, April 04, 2006

  • I chucked a sickie to see John off at the airport (which involved all of this, but this time it was worse), and the only downside of not working is that it is suddenly three MILLION degrees, and I am too scared to let my back touch this leather couch, because it will then be impossible to remove me without the aid of a very large crowbar.
  • My fringe has backfired and now that it's too long to wear straight down, I find myself casually brushing it to the side, which (in a perfect world) should look like this:

    But actually looks like this:

  • I've been to a couple of house inspections, and lodged an application, which could see me moving over Easter weekend. Which would be fine, except I was planning on drinking lots of beer, surfing the net and lying in a drunken stupor over Easter. Screw you, new house, for potentially ruining my plans. (But, incidentally, it's in the best location ever and it's very metropolitan-apartment-Icanwalktothepub-ish and would make me feel like I'm in one of those TV shows where they live in inner-city apartments and lead Very Exciting lives. Because, like, the exciting life must come naturally with the apartment. Right?)
  • Oh, actually, there is (supposedly) another downside to not being at work today, because today was the first day of some highly important training, apparently. Oh well. See me? This is me not giving a rat's.
  • To the lady or gent who wanted to find 'pashing virgins', my apologies.
  • To the lady or gent who searched for 'hello i am drunk', WELCOME FRIEND.
And with that, I am going to go and sweat elsewhere.


Blogger audrey said...

Weird, how did you get that picture of me opening the door?

1:44 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Inner suburbs = bums, junkies, street violence, burglars, high rent prices and lots of cockroaches. Or maybe that's just Sydney...

Good luck with the hair situation. If it's looking too 1980's, maybe mousse is the solution?

10:57 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

omg, mousse is NEVER the solution :S

7:09 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What if Flying Squirrel is the problem?

(wtf? I need a lie down...)

5:54 pm  
Blogger audrey said...

Hey, don't let your bad hair scare you away. Come back and write dammit!

7:02 pm  
Blogger GBE said...

Audrey, I'm sure you don't look like Gary from Weird Science. But if you did, oh, the money you could make! Look-alikes of never-to-be-seen-again actors are in high demand, I hear.

And I just posted! Unfortunately I am living a highly boring pile of bollocks life right now, and I'm scared of frightening everyone with identical "Today I went to work and it was shit" posts.

Mark, I've got to agree with Lividia, because mousse is surely sent from hell in order to make my hair look like a rather shiny helmet.

The unit's in an inner-city suburb, but that city happens to be Brisbane, so it looks pretty suburban really. Didn't see too many bums while I was there, but it's not too far away from the tie-dye, bong-smoking hippie district.

7:10 pm  

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