Friday, August 25, 2006

Lovely Pomgirl tagged the whole world with this tops meme about books. And I am doing it, because I am sadly deprived of book talk and am sick of loitering at Dymocks, looking wistfully at the people milling about and waiting for one of them to say, "Gosh, Lolita for only $9.95? I'll take TEN!"

One Book That Changed Your Life:

Erm. I suppose when I graduated from kiddy books to grown-up books it was a bit of a change. It wasn't a gradual thing for me - it was Hairy MacLary one day, Stephen King's Misery and Jane Eyre the next. When I was 12 and a complete arse-kissing teacher's pet, I was given a heap of classic books by Mr. Brennan at the end of the year. Which I thought was great, but the other kids snorted and called me a nerd. But now I am clever! and they're all pregnant and homeless. HA HA.

One Book You Have Read More Than Once:

The aforementioned Jane Eyre is one of them. I'm really not too good at reading books over and over again. Short attention span and all that.

One Book You'd Want On A Desert Island:

Well it seems obvious to say something like 'a copy of How to Build Very Good Boats out of Palm Trees and Sand' but, if I'm supposed to answer properly and pick something that would last me a long time and hopefully not drive me bananas, I would probably have to say The Complete Works of William Shakespeare. Which has been sitting on my shelf for approximately one million years after I made a half-arsed effort at being one of them proper clever people by reading Romeo and Juliet and a couple of sonnets.

One Book That Made You Giddy:

Eh? If you picked up my hard-cover copy of Lord of the Rings and threw it at my head, it would make me a bit giddy. It might even kill me. Gosh, I don't know. Lolita swished around inside my head and twirled and whirled and was fabulous. Remind me to loudly answer 'THE ONE ABOUT PAEDOPHILIA' the next time somebody asks me what my favourite book is.

One Book That You Wish Had Been Written:

I completely misread this. I thought it was asking me for one book that I wished I had written. And I thought of a million fantastic, mind-blowing answers, then realised that the question is completely different, and all my ideas went out the window. But, you know. You know those books. The ones where you get to the end and go, 'awwww, I wish it was longer.' Yeah. Them. The sequels to them. That's my answer.

One Book That Wracked You With Sobs:

I think that this question should actually read 'One Book That DIDN'T Wrack You With Sobs' and then we might be getting somewhere. Sometimes it's the lovely words, sometimes it's the hormones, but either way I am a big wailing sissy when it comes to books. It has been worsening steadily as I've been growing older, too. At this rate, by the time I'm 60 I'll be curled up in a corner, constantly crying when I see things like curtains and empty coke bottles. Show me a forlorn puppy, a poor kid with a dirty face, a Greenpeace ad on the telly, and I am a heaving, sobbing mess. The book I am reading right now, Captain Corelli's Mandolin, has already made me cry. I hate this girly bullshit.

One Book You Wish Had Never Been Written:

If I answer The Da Vinci (SHITTINGSHITARSE) Code, then I'll start ranting for the next half-hour. I need to stop the ranting. I need to be a happy person. I need to stop wishing death on Dan Brown. I'll change my answer to Ulysses, and make of it what you will.

One Book You're Currently Reading:

Oh, bollocks. I already answered this one. There's a picture of it over there. It's ok in parts, and as boring as my high school science teacher in others. Hence the Very Long Time it is taking me. But I am hoping it will turn around and end fabulously and heart-wrenchingly, and I am holding out for some raunchy sex.

One Book You've Been Meaning To Read:

Oh, there's only about a million. I'm yet to read any Dostoyevsky, I've fallen behind on the Jane Austen, I've had War and Peace sitting on my shelf for a few years, and haven't tried Dickens since I was spotty and awkward. There will always be books on this list. There's too many books, and too little time.

Ooh, books. I'm all hot and bothered now.


Blogger Pomgirl said...

Yay! I enjoyed your answers. Captain Corelli's Mandolin or, as a customer in the bookshop I worked in called it, Captain Corelli's Mandarin, broke my heart. I too cry at!



8:40 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great meme. I loled at the desert island joke, and the 'kill me before the next call' joke in the post below. I'm not going back to check or anything, but I swear you're way better at this blog thing than you used to be. You're all... charismatic.

I will do this meme on the weekend and you can read it.

OMG, word verification is JIWFRKBM: jihad warfare kaboom. It's an omen.

8:51 pm  
Blogger GBE said...

Pomgirl, I finished Captain Corelli yesterday and I sobbed my guts out through the last QUARTER of the book. I couldn't really help it, since they decided to kill off about 90% of the characters. And the fact that he waited something like 50 years before going back to her. Grr, what a twat. I would personally like to smash a mandolin over his head.

Mark, I was quite proud of my desert island joke, and read it out to John, who told me that an Irish comedian had already said almost the exact same thing, but had added something about wanting a second book that was inflatable and turned into a pair of oars. Sigh. I don't think I'm any better at this blogging thing. Having comments makes a difference, I think. Seeing what people respond to, and all that. There's no need to worry. I swear I'm still as bland and boring as ever.

8:27 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's no need to worry. I swear I'm still as bland and boring as ever.

It's not true! Honest.

5:17 pm  
Blogger audrey said...

Dear GBE I always enjoy your posts. Knowing that you love Jane Eyre in a gothic 15 year old way makes me heart you even more.

You must read The History of Love. I am reading it right now and I can tell you'll just adore it.

9:16 pm  
Blogger GBE said...

Mark, well shucks, I'm all giggly now.

Audrey, next time I am at Dymocks, I will find The History of Love and buy it, because you said so and I trust you implicitly, lovely girl.

8:38 pm  

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