Saturday, April 14, 2007

I have been stopping and starting, deleting and retyping, for the past week. I haven't had the time to finish a blog post, and I think it might be partially to do with working for a million hours and then falling asleep by 9:30, only to be staggering to work in the pre-dawn darkness the next morning, over and over again. I was planning to go to the Supanova Expo today, to go and talk anime with the other anime nerds, but now my plans have been blown away.

I have been talked into applying for a job.

That is, I have been talked into applying for my OWN job.


You see, instead of a manager pulling you aside and saying "hey, would you like a payrise?" which is what happens in everyone's wildest dreams, the way these wacky government people work it is they will tell you that there is a higher-paying position available and open to anyone who wants to apply. And if you get it, you actually do exactly the same job, but at a higher rate of pay.

So, essentially, I am applying for my own job, but if I don't get it, I'll still have my job. Unless I do such a poor job in my interview (another panel interview, bleurgh) that they decide that not only am I not worthy of more money, I should be booted from the department altogether.

Knowing my ability to make a complete tit out of myself at the most important and pivotal moments of my life, it is quite likely.

So I'll be working on my application today, and hey, if the Bullshit Hat decides to fit well, maybe I'll whizz through it and can still go and talk about nerdy things with the other kids tomorrow. The zitty teenage boys never seem to quite accept me, though. It's so hard to fit in.


Blogger Enny said...

I had to do that the other week - the kicker for me is that I'd been acting in the job for four months and when I won the position I actually got a pay decrease (I'd been acting so long I was on a higher increment - now that I own the position I have to start all over again).

1:13 pm  
Blogger Steph said...

Gotta love the public service.
Good luck hun.

11:43 pm  
Blogger nikinpos said...

I was just rooting through your blog and I read the bit about why do they keep playing 'suddenly I see' by KT tunstall. I sat and thought...which one is that... and helpfully it immediatly started playing on the radio! Che coincidence.

10:38 pm  
Blogger GBE said...

Enny, and that is the stupidity of the bloody government. Bah. I'm still on the first increment of the level I started at so it would be a nice extra $300 in my pocket every pay, and hey, I won't turn that down. I am practising my arse-kissing, big time.

Steph, thank you! :)

Nikinpos, ooh, it's so weird when that happens. Perhaps KT Tunstall is trying to tell you something. Freaky!

8:51 pm  
Blogger Brooke - Little Miss Moi said...

Dear gbe. yes, I was a victim of government hiring rituals. Went up against a girl who had the job already, but the role transitioned from Temp to permanent. Of course, the chick who already HAD the jobe, GOT the job. What a waste of time (and dosh).

2:08 am  
Blogger Miss Devylish said...

At least you can apply for your raise. Here they just give you more work. No raise. Somehow.. that doesn't quite work for me.

8:03 am  
Blogger GBE said...

Little Miss Moi, hello! Oh, this government application business really is a big pile of shit. I made a half-arsed effort at my application and will probably do the same in the interview, because I figure that if they're going to give it to me, they've probably already decided.

Miss Devylish, they like doing that trick as well! They are not as bad as my old job where they made you a temporary supervisor but never paid you an extra penny. The arseholes!

1:10 pm  

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