Thursday, March 22, 2007

Do you have an insomnia movie?

Mine is Bridget Jones's Diary. Yeah, shut up. Tonight it is my jetlag/insomnia/sleeping pills movie. I should not have slept all day yesterday. This has not helped the Body Clock. But the Mark Darcy action. This helps. Yes, it does.

So. Hi there. I'm back in Brisbane after four (FOUR. FRICKING FOUR.) consecutive flights yesterday, because apparently La Paz is a bloody hard place to get out of. I had a most excellent plan to force sleep upon myself for the final, long-haul flight from LA to Brisbane, which worked wonders before I was jolted awake by my repeated farting, and bolted to the toilet. I then dozed in between my toilet visits, which occurred regularly, i.e. every HALF AN HOUR.

I think it was just my body being a spiteful shit (so to speak), because I cannot work out what I could've eaten to have caused this misery, having only eaten a cheeseburger at LAX (I don't even like Macca's that much, but the craving was unbelievable) and airline food on the many flights.

Right now, I am feeling extremely alert for 5am. I am also feeling:
  • Satisfied after gorging myself on Subway.
  • Puzzled every time I use the toilet, because the water seems too low and I don't have to shove the used paper in the bin.
  • Apologies for all of the toilet talk. I'll stop now.
  • An overwhelming desire to be a girl. After a month of having to skip showers (because they didn't exist, didn't work, or I couldn't handle freezing cold water when it was 5 degrees), having extremely shit hair, and dressing in dirty, bummish clothing that gives me a figure like that of Mr. Blobby, I want nothing more than to put on something pretty out of my own wardrobe, wash my hair with shampoo and conditioner that weren't chosen purely for their space-saving properties, and tart myself up in general.
  • I guarantee that I will be the most overdressed person when I go out to dinner on Friday evening.
  • Regret. At not buying the most expensive shoes in Bolivia (at the exorbitant sum of around $50) and becoming the owner of the tartiest, stiletto FM boots that the world has ever seen. But I think I am quite right in thinking that I will never, ever wear them. Unless I fulfil my long-held desire to become a good girl prostitute with a perm, i.e. Julia Roberts.
  • Woah! People update a LOT in a month. I am glad I have four days off before I have to go back to work, because I am now on full-time blog-reading duty between now and then. Hooray!
I have a stack of bills to pay, a necessary visit to the transport department, a souvenier pack to send to Ireland, a Very Necessary haircut planned, a kitchen to re-stock, a feisty shit of a cockatiel to pick up, a new pair of jeans to buy now that my current favourites are continually falling down, hundreds of photos and hours of video footage to go through, a phone call to make to work telling them that I'm back, many hours to spend gorging myself on food that won't make me vomit, jetlag to get over, a few tears to shed over the realisation that cocktails won't cost $1 any more, and some shitty humidity to get used to.

And then I'll be back on this blogging bandwagon fo' sho', yo.


Blogger MissE said...

My excitement that you are back can only be described as a wee-bit pathetic.

It's happy dance time!

I've been in a lot of bookshops this month, and every time I see that shrink-wrapped copy of American Psycho ... I think of you.

Welcome home!

6:36 am  
Blogger Jen said...

Welcome back!

I reckon aside from jet lag, the humditity is the next hardest thing to deal with. It really makes you wonder why so many people flock to live in this steamy, hot slice of Australia.

Look foward to seeing the photos!!

7:28 am  
Blogger Pomgirl said...

Welcome back, GBE! Can't wait to see the photos. I'm trusting you didn't let us down and we can expect llama pics? xx

Hmm, may have spelt llama wrong, it just doesn't look right.


No idea.

7:46 am  
Blogger vapidly vibrant said...

Hurrah! How giddy i am to see you are back! (sad & pathetic? i think not! pfff...*denial*denial!*) In any case, your toilet talk has been rightfully missed, although wish that it would go away promptly, of course!

Can't wait to see the pics!:)

8:06 am  
Blogger reanon said...

oh pish posh, do NOT apologise for all the toilet talk. in fact, BRING IT ON! when you travel you always have crazy toilet experiences, and they are hilarious to hear about.

more stories plz!

9:37 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude, insomnia movies are the best!

Try an Australian film called "Look Both Ways". It's perfect for not being able to sleep.

7:51 pm  
Blogger Enny said...

Welcome back!!!

4:46 pm  
Blogger GBE said...

Chesty, what's exciting is that I had a whole month of SFBC to read! Hooray! I am sighing all contentedly knowing that you think of me when you see one of the most violent books ever written. My work here is done.

Jen, thanks! I think I have spent about 90% of my time complaining about the weather so far. I really don't know why I don't just pack my stuff and fly somewhere extremely cold. To live. Forever and ever.

Oh, Pomgirl, I have SO many lalalllama pics. I also have masses of llama video. Plus, I smell a bit like a llama. Hoorah!

Vapidly vibrant, thank you! I am glad that somebody has missed my poo and wee talk. Pics are a-comin' and you'll be sick of them in no time.

Reanon, hi! I am always a bit worried about making people want to vomit on this here blog thingo, but if it is toilet stories you want, then toilet stories you shall have. Wait until you hear about the perils of vomiting in toilets with extremely high water levels! Oh, fun times.

Long Division, the internet tells me that Look Both Ways stars William McInnes, so I will most definitely watch it as I think I have some sort of bizarro crush on him. This may be in some way related to Seachange. I will have to find it soon, because my own supply of insomnia movies is rapidly dwindling. Stupid jetlag.

Enny, muchos gracias, lovely girl :)

7:08 am  
Blogger phishez said...

$1 cocktails? Shit. At that price you could afford to buy your own instead of having to let guys talk to your chest for 10 minutes to have just one.

8:00 pm  
Blogger GBE said...

Phishez, 10 minutes? Girl, you must have that skill honed to a fine art. For a pot of local beer, I think I would have to put in at least half an hour. A cocktail? I'd have to dedicate an evening. I just couldn't be bothered with that.

6:08 pm  

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