Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Last night, I put a curtain up on a very high curtain rod, using only a broken shower rail and two pen lids. If I don't have a Sting mullet and the name Richard Dean Anderson, then I don't know who does.

The pros to this fantastic new curtain are these:
  • Reg doesn't chirp loudly at 5:30 in the morning as if to say "hey, it's light now. HEY IT'S LIGHT NOW, BITCH! WAKE UP!" Which means I now say "good morning, Reg!" quite happily, instead of "you little bastard, I'm going to rip out your feathers."
  • I can get up in the middle of the night (or the middle of the day, for that matter), wearing fat pants and a jumper that comes down to my knees, and know that my neighbours can't peer at me and make note of how dreadfully unfashionable I am.
The cons are, oh wait, NONE.

I love you, curtain.

Today, I've done a combination of Diddly Squat and Jack Shit. I had a moment of panic earlier when two F-111's flew directly over me, making me think 'God, it's not nice to start WWIII on ANZAC Day, is it?' But then I came to my senses, and ran outside to have a look, but then remembered I was wearing fat pants and a long mum jumper and ran back inside.

I watched Amelie, and realised that the reason I like it so much is because I think that I actually am Amelie, except I'm rather plain and Australian instead of gorgeous and French, and she knows Nino Quincampoix and I don't.

(This one time, in a restaurant, I ordered a creme brulee and thought 'oh, I'll chuck an Amelie and crack the top with the back of a spoon'. Except for some reason, the top was about a centimetre thick and it would've taken a jackhammer to crack that bastard, so I smacked it with my spoon until I was blue in the face, before resorting to a very large knife.)

Who wants to come over and sit on the floor with me? We can play Scrabble.


Blogger Dan said...

I haven't played scrabble for a very long time, but I fear that a 20 hour plane ride would sap my scrabble powers. I think I'll stay home and sleep. As for the curtain, +2 MacGyver points for you! Best show ever!

11:38 pm  
Blogger audrey said...

Dammit! I was just in Brisbane, I could have nipped in for a scrabble game then. The plus side to this would be that I don't care about fat pants and long mum jumpers because I am blind to fashion.

12:56 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love movie Amelie. It's one of my favorites too! That Audrey Tautou is just cute as a button.

Holy shit...did I just become my grandmother?

4:34 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been flicking cards across the room ever since I saw it on Mythbusters. I think I'm turning into Bill Murray in Groundhog Day but without the dressing gown.

btw, I *so* posted the first comment identifying that thingo as a towel rack. Now it's suspiciously disappeared. It was, like, the manliest thing I've done all week.

5:32 pm  
Blogger GBE said...

MHE, it would be ok, because failing to use my Scrabble brain for around six years would have seriously drained my powers, too. I'm good at two-letter words, though. And you've gotta love MacGyver.

Audrey, you mean to tell me that you can play Scrabble, and don't notice fat pants? You are the perfect person.

MJ, it's ok, because she really is as cute as a button. A very cute, French button.

Mark, I will worry when you start wearing the dressing gown. Outside. And flick the cards at strangers whilst mumbling incoherantly. And you definitely did post that first comment, but for some bizarre reason it showed up on the post below.

6:35 pm  
Blogger Marcheline said...

I love Scrabble! Can we make popcorn too?

11:23 pm  
Blogger GBE said...

Marcheline, I've been having MEGA popcorn cravings lately. Even if it does get all stuck in my teeth. Scrabble and popcorn party is ON.

6:28 pm  

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