Let us sing and dance in an internet-based frenzy, for my internet peeps have Got Their Shit together and are allowing me to peruse blogs, lonelygirl15's videos, and porn (I think I've covered the whole of the internet there?) to my heart's content once more.
To celebrate, here is some marvellous (cough) bullet pointage of the highest order:
To celebrate, here is some marvellous (cough) bullet pointage of the highest order:
- The other night at dancing (yes, I am still going, and yes, I am yet to maim anyone!) I was doing a bit of a swirlytwirl when I gracefully stepped forward and gave my partner a nice gentle nudge in the groin. And you're thinking that this is my subtle way of saying that I completely crotch-crippled the poor guy, but no, I am serious, it was a stripper-lap-dance-dirty-tarty crotch stroke. Which, to be quite frank, is approximately one MILLION times worse than a proper knee to the groin. Well, from my point of view, anyway. At least if I'd kneed him he would've doubled over and I could've apologised profusely, but is it really appropriate for me to stop and say, "oh, I'm sorry for stroking your penis through your clothing with my thigh." Is it? Instead, I remained very calm, turned only slightly purple, and tactfully ignored it.
- My job is bullshit, and bollocks, and a royal load of arse.
- I have begun a half-arsed attempt at learning Spanish (or, as we bilingual-types call it, good ol' ess-pan-yoll) and though I can only say good morning, what's your name? and I'll have an orange juice, thanks, I'm doing a tremendous job when it comes to pronunciation. It might be something to do with coming from a part of the world where the place names sound like a chain-smoker having a five-minute coughing fit, but I am just fabulous at all of the dislodging phlegm words. I don't just want my sandwich with jamon, I want it with chhhggghhlllllhhhhhamon, gracias. I'm sorry, let me wipe you down.
- You may have noticed that, according to my sidebar, I have been reading Love in the time of Cholera for approximately twelve years now, with no end in sight. Truth be told, I did finish it quite a long time ago but I appear to be completely rubbish at taking photos of the new books and updating that Reading bit. This is completely boring for you and all I really wanted was an excuse to mention that the book mentioned above took up hours of my life that I will never get back, and seemed to consist of page upon page of boring drivel with a wee bit of paedophilia thrown in for good measure. Hey. Just my opinion. It's a modern classic, y'know. Searching google for 'Love in the Time of Cholera is crap' and 'I hate Love in the Time of Cholera' gives me no results, so I probably just don't get it.
- Reg was going for a bit of a joy flight around the room the other night, miraculously landed on the rim of John's pint glass, and promptly plopped a shit into his beer. No, he didn't continue to drink it, despite my cries of 'it's good for you!'