Well. Welly welly well. I am blushing outrageously after all of that jumping to my defence business. I would buy each and every one of you a sparkling gift of some description, but I am severely broke after Chrimbo and the subsequent sales, so here are a million of my thanks, and a few nervous giggles for good measure.
There seems to have been no response from the content nicker, and I suspect that it will remain that way, or that she will disappear entirely. The slightly horrible thing is that I discovered her blog when she sent me an e-mail saying that she really liked mine. She included a copy of this meme, suggesting that I do it as well, which included a couple of her images. Being a nosy sod, I scouted out the source of the pictures and hey presto. "Oh, what a nice e-mail, really complimentary HEY HOLD ON A COTTON-PICKING MINUTE." Etc.
To move right along:
Christmas was quite fab, thank you. I now own every single Blackadder DVD ever made. There were many other things, including garden frog gnomes, and top notch guitar strings, which proved to be excellent encouragement for changing the bastards for the first time in far too long. And books, glorious books! Can I ask for anything more?
John and I went shopping a couple of days afterward, because we have hired a car for our week of holidays and have to make the most of it, even if making the most of it involves repeatedly driving to shops that are within walking distance.
Besides the shops/bottle-o within walking distance, we went to IKEA. Jesus, IKEA! Thou hast taken over all of olde Logan towne! We spent a ridiculously long time navigating the Rwanda-sized carpark and commented that it had probably taken longer to find a park than it would to actually buy what we needed.
IKEA is a strange beast, in that you go in there thinking you need to buy two bowls to make up for the ones that have been broken and come out with a new set of wine glasses, a clothes horse, a lamp, some spice jars, storage containers, and a stuffed giraffe and snake.
And because I know how to make holidays fun, I then went to the doctor and had three needles. Two in the left arm, one in the right. Yes, that's right, I finally decided to protect myself from the various diseases that South America has to offer, since that whole overseas trip thing is only SEVEN WEEKS away. Yeeehaaaaaa.
Is your self-esteem too high? Do you think you're immensely attractive, and is it getting out of control? Visit Noosa! The Land of the Insanely Beautiful Tourists! And you too can feel like a Big Fatso Whale with a face like a sackful of spanners.
Tonight is part deux of the traditional Christmas dinner, in which the dessert portion is to be consumed, along with perhaps one million beers. Yes! Indeed.
[The above actually occurred last night, along with the composition of the rest of this post, but the son of a bitch did not publish. Curse you, Blogger.]
There seems to have been no response from the content nicker, and I suspect that it will remain that way, or that she will disappear entirely. The slightly horrible thing is that I discovered her blog when she sent me an e-mail saying that she really liked mine. She included a copy of this meme, suggesting that I do it as well, which included a couple of her images. Being a nosy sod, I scouted out the source of the pictures and hey presto. "Oh, what a nice e-mail, really complimentary HEY HOLD ON A COTTON-PICKING MINUTE." Etc.
To move right along:
Christmas was quite fab, thank you. I now own every single Blackadder DVD ever made. There were many other things, including garden frog gnomes, and top notch guitar strings, which proved to be excellent encouragement for changing the bastards for the first time in far too long. And books, glorious books! Can I ask for anything more?
John and I went shopping a couple of days afterward, because we have hired a car for our week of holidays and have to make the most of it, even if making the most of it involves repeatedly driving to shops that are within walking distance.
Besides the shops/bottle-o within walking distance, we went to IKEA. Jesus, IKEA! Thou hast taken over all of olde Logan towne! We spent a ridiculously long time navigating the Rwanda-sized carpark and commented that it had probably taken longer to find a park than it would to actually buy what we needed.
IKEA is a strange beast, in that you go in there thinking you need to buy two bowls to make up for the ones that have been broken and come out with a new set of wine glasses, a clothes horse, a lamp, some spice jars, storage containers, and a stuffed giraffe and snake.
And because I know how to make holidays fun, I then went to the doctor and had three needles. Two in the left arm, one in the right. Yes, that's right, I finally decided to protect myself from the various diseases that South America has to offer, since that whole overseas trip thing is only SEVEN WEEKS away. Yeeehaaaaaa.
Is your self-esteem too high? Do you think you're immensely attractive, and is it getting out of control? Visit Noosa! The Land of the Insanely Beautiful Tourists! And you too can feel like a Big Fatso Whale with a face like a sackful of spanners.
Tonight is part deux of the traditional Christmas dinner, in which the dessert portion is to be consumed, along with perhaps one million beers. Yes! Indeed.
[The above actually occurred last night, along with the composition of the rest of this post, but the son of a bitch did not publish. Curse you, Blogger.]