And I'm hormonal. I just cried over fricking Tuck Everlasting.
Last night was fun. I told a man that he smelt nice and he looked uncomfortable and left. An electrician asked me if I believed in magic, and I was expecting some fancy pants tricks but instead he jabbered shit for ten minutes before asking me for my phone number. RIPPED OFF.
But it was quite nice, actually. Normally I just get asked out to the car park. With the promise 'it'll only take half an hour.'
(Admittedly, that was a specific occasion rather than a regular occurrence, but I don't let a suitable moment pass without bringing it up.)
ExBF called me earlier. In his normal dramatic fashion, he declared "A man from the government came around here looking for you" which actually meant "A man was walking around taking tally of who lived where, to make sure the electoral enrolment records were correct, and he just so happened to have you still on his list for this address."
I asked him how he was and he replied, "oh, good. My new girlfriend is moving up from Melbourne in July." (because he never moved to Melbourne - it was a fib) "Actually, you know her - it's [that girl he used to work with who went everywhere with her brother and who I suspected was a lesbian but who did seem very nice]."
How strange. I knew he would be with somebody else, eventually, but it's odd to think of her living in my old house and sleeping in my old bed.
Actually, I probably shouldn't think about that sort of thing at all.